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The Great Library, mechanics?

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  • The Great Library, mechanics?

    In my latest regent game I build the great library, but I only knew about 1 other civ. I got no advances from it, but as soon as I became aware of the other civs... BANG i was catapulted from a severe tech disadvantage all the way to the mid middle ages, even after these civs had discovered education.

    Which brings me to this conculsion: The great library only becomes obsolete after the owner discovers education. When my civ finally became aware of the other civs I recieved many many techs along with education and a few advances past it. This leads me to believe that the GL will first check to see which techs are known to 2 other civs and "learn" them as long as the owner did not discover education on the previous turn. Can anyone confirm this?
    Thanks for reading,

  • #2
    That is true. You need to have the advance that stops a wonder from working to stop it.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

