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  • I LOVE Civ III!!

    Well I liked Civ III before the Patch, but now It absolutly Rocks - This is the best game ever!!

    Anyway.. Better get back to Civ
    Up The Millers

  • #2
    Sorry....nothing to say!


    • #3
      Yep. This patch has rekindled my enjoyment of civ3. I hadn't played it since xmas break, and I loaded it up again and just played for hours. It may not be perfect, but I'm enjoying it...


      • #4
        Yea, I agree, it's a lot easier to kill someone fast with the stack movement, it doesn't take a half an hour a turn anymore!
        But 2 things I'd add in the following patch would be to be able to wake all units of the same kind all at once, just like when upgrading them. (it would really help with ICBMs). And also, when I have 60 infantry, that are all fortifed, and I decide to upgrade them all at once(shift+u) they shouldn't get activated, they should stay fortified. Just a suggestion!

        Good job with the patch guys.

        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


        • #5
          I am currently downloading 1.17, but for me it was 1.16 that made me love civ 3 so much. It fixed most of my complaints, and I was able to do things I wanted with the editor.

          Currently I want:

          Modern Age (Spaceship not so early and not so easy)
          Increase role of spies (not only decrease cost)
          Make nukes powerful (not the small puke it's now, make them unbalanced!)

          Scenarios are last on my list, I don't care whether we ever get any.

          And it would be cool to know what is that new MP technology Firaxis is working on.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

