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So, What Is Your Opinion On The New Stacked Movement?

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  • So, What Is Your Opinion On The New Stacked Movement?

    Since the latest patch has implemented a type of stacked movement for units in Civ3, I was wondering how you feel about it.

    Is it eveything you hoped it would be?

    Does it make playing the game easier?

    Tell us what you found to be good about the new stacked movement, and what you find still needs improving.

    Does this eliminate late-game tedium and click-fests?

  • #2
    Kind of useless for me so far. Since I automated my workers, I've only used it a few times so far and it wasn't a great help. I'm only in the middle of the game right now so maybe it will be more usefull later.
    Sorry....nothing to say!


    • #3
      Having not had time to try the patch out yet I haven't seen it in action, how does it work exactly?


      • #4
        I mentioned this in the 1.17f readme post, but I'll restated here, since it would be better place for it.

        In honesty, I have not been able to get a leader, even though I've playing for a couple of months now. With that said, from what I understand how armies work. Stack units make armies redundent. Since if I had an army, I would fill it will all indentical units (an Army of Tanks or somthing). Stack units are all the same, and can travel together with no limit to the number of units on the stack (I think ).

        This is just MHO.
        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


        • #5
          I've had like 10 leaders so far, just make sure you get those elite units winning as many battles as possible. Make sure they attack when they have the highest chance of winning. Go to war a lot, I'm fighting 70-90% of the game taking out opponent after opponent. Not only does it strengthen you but it weakens them too.


          • #6
            Actually, with retreat being toned down now armies have a slight edge. Stacked units still don't actually fight all as one group like armies do, so armies are still more secure and individual units are a little less secure. More importantly, armies now have the Blitz and Zone of Control ability--Blitz means that armies can attack as many times as they have movement points (so an army of 3 cavalry gets 3 attacks, just as many as 3 separate cavalry would... except the army still has 15 hitpoints backing it up), and Zone of Control gives them free "bombard"-style attacks against units that attempt to move past. Still not worth dumping all your Leaders into armies for, but not shabby.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Random Passerby
              Actually, with retreat being toned down now armies have a slight edge. Stacked units still don't actually fight all as one group like armies do, so armies are still more secure and individual units are a little less secure. More importantly, armies now have the Blitz and Zone of Control ability--Blitz means that armies can attack as many times as they have movement points (so an army of 3 cavalry gets 3 attacks, just as many as 3 separate cavalry would... except the army still has 15 hitpoints backing it up), and Zone of Control gives them free "bombard"-style attacks against units that attempt to move past. Still not worth dumping all your Leaders into armies for, but not shabby.
              where did you read this? armies were not changed according to the 1.17f readme.

              armies still don't inherit blitz... cavalary doesnt even have blitz ability ! ZOC OTH I think armies already had, not sure, but the editor could answer that


              • #8
                Originally posted by DrFell
                I've had like 10 leaders so far, just make sure you get those elite units winning as many battles as possible. Make sure they attack when they have the highest chance of winning. Go to war a lot, I'm fighting 70-90% of the game taking out opponent after opponent. Not only does it strengthen you but it weakens them too.
                I have conquared the world many times, and still don't get leaders. I'm not whining or anything, it makes no difference for me anyway now that we have stack movement.
                I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                • #9
                  sometimes you just don't get leaders, it happens. Other times you can get more leaders than you need. Unless you're suggesting that the new patch greatly reduces GL creation?

                  you may have read this about leader usage:

                  Unless you really need a wonder, the first leader you get, build an army, this should be in ancient times of course - Then go win a battle with the army (don't send it against a city, you might loose!). If you win, then you can build the heroic epic and military academy later on.

                  tha'ts it, you don't need to use GLs for armies afterwards. Each and every other leader you get from that point on, use them to rush your wonders.

                  Just thought i'd throw that in, since the focus here shifted from stacked units to GLs and armies.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by smellymummy
                    sometimes you just don't get leaders, it happens. Other times you can get more leaders than you need. Unless you're suggesting that the new patch greatly reduces GL creation?

                    you may have read this about leader usage:

                    Unless you really need a wonder, the first leader you get, build an army, this should be in ancient times of course - Then go win a battle with the army (don't send it against a city, you might loose!). If you win, then you can build the heroic epic and military academy later on.

                    tha'ts it, you don't need to use GLs for armies afterwards. Each and every other leader you get from that point on, use them to rush your wonders.

                    Just thought i'd throw that in, since the focus here shifted from stacked units to GLs and armies.
                    This has plagued me since pre 1.16f. It's just me.
                    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by smellymummy

                      where did you read this? armies were not changed according to the 1.17f readme.

                      armies still don't inherit blitz... cavalary doesnt even have blitz ability ! ZOC OTH I think armies already had, not sure, but the editor could answer that
                      smelly: player1 started a thread about changes in the .bic file not documented on the readme, and Nero posted a list of those changes... it seems that armies now have blitz and ZOC, at least in comparison with the old (pre-1.17) bic file.

                      EDIT: here's the link for the thread:
                      Last edited by Alex; February 15, 2002, 16:07.
                      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                      • #12
                        It makes the game a whole lot easier. I can now move All My battlships to the other side of the world By just clicking once!!! AWSOME!!! (doing back flips, and again, and again, and again...)

                        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spectator
                          It makes the game a whole lot easier. I can now move All My battlships to the other side of the world By just clicking once!!! AWSOME!!! (doing back flips, and again, and again, and again...)

                          Sounds promising.

                          Do you see each unit move, or do they all "magically" appear where you want them?

                          Has this new stacking command changed anyone's play style?



                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Random Passerby
                            More importantly, armies now have the Blitz and Zone of Control ability--Blitz means that armies can attack as many times as they have movement points (so an army of 3 cavalry gets 3 attacks, just as many as 3 separate cavalry would... except the army still has 15 hitpoints backing it up), and Zone of Control gives them free "bombard"-style attacks against units that attempt to move past. Still not worth dumping all your Leaders into armies for, but not shabby.
                            So Armies are now more valuable. -> Armies can only be obtained through Leaders. -> Leaders can only be obtained through war. -> Strategically, it is even better now to go to war. -> Start more wars... surrender pacifists.


                            • #15
                              Yep, absolutly, Coudnt be more right.

                              In my current game I went to war with France when they were a much more powerful state (I was confident my highely powered legions would see me ok though) and now it's the middle ages and I have had 3 great leaders, I have built an army with one with 3 (now) Elite Legions (Try fighting that!!!) and I have the Heroic Epic.

                              I am still light years behind the English, But I'm confident that I'll be able to Thrive in Game since :-
                              I have now have about a 1/9 or 1/10 chance of a GL every elite victory!! (I'm a Militaristic Civ with Heroic Epic)

                              Great Library (Which I built with one of my Great Leaders ) has kept me up on Tech

                              I have the first access to the Mighty Powerful Armies, and Just wait till I get to Military Tradition ... I can see a Few Armies of Cavalry going the English way
                              Up The Millers

