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1.16f patch removal?

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  • 1.16f patch removal?

    Just a question as there is no real installation notes for 1.17f.
    In my Add Remove Programs menu I see that both Civ3 patch 1.16f and 1.17f is listed can i remove 1.16f or does it need to be installed?

    I assume it needs to stay as 1.17f does not contain the same content as 1.16f however I believe some of the files have been overwrote. I'd like to know if I can delete the older patch, thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Just to say, I would leave it there. When reading the notes about the patch, I was lead to believe that you can install 1.17 without having installed 1.16, but of course that's just my interpretation of the wording. If you need space on you HD or something, I wouldn't try removing the old patch until I talked to Firaxis tech support. Even then, I doubt that would encourage you to do this. Just my .02... but good luck if you choose to remove it!


    • #3
      I don't think the patches really create any new files, so from a space POW it'd be unnecessary. Remember, one single saved game is as large as the patch : )

      Btw I think most of the patches size is due to the reworked civ3.exe file.
      MonsterMan's Mod:


      • #4
        Thanks Guys

        Thanks guys, no it's not a space issue with me. Just a housekeeping sort of thing ya know.....un-wanted files or un-used files need to go or the PC just continue to get more cluttered. I have lots of room but I have about 14 or more games on my PC and with files and other mini programs my add-remove programs list is getting pretty large so deleting anything I don't want is always a wise thing in my case.


        • #5
          And don't forget that some of us have a Melancholy temperament. We'd prefer our hard drives to be neat and clean.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham

