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I like Civ3.

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  • #16
    I like it too, except for some bugs, the editor and all that damn jungle covering large parts of the maps
    (my citizens die from it )
    Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

    The new iPod nano: nano


    • #17
      oh i forgot something:
      i hate cities switching sides, and me loosing alot of units in the city
      Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

      The new iPod nano: nano


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hagbart
        oh i forgot something:
        i hate cities switching sides, and me loosing alot of units in the city
        Would you like some actual advice, Hagbert?

        Build cultural improvements. Historically speaking, bands of raiders rarely hold onto cities. If you look at the Mongol invasion of China, that only succeeded after a *long* process of various "barbarian" groups attempting to keep control of the North. Tribal group A would take over a part of the North, would be sinified, and the place would revert to Chinese control. Tribal group B would attept to force their way to the top, a local revolt would put them down. Tribal group C would have some success, but only by actually acting Chinese enough to be accepted... for a time. Tribal group D would then take them over. Southern China would attack, hold, and be repelled militarily. It wasn't until they'd been there long enough to "ammass some culture points" that Kublei Khan was actually able to invade, and hold, the south.

        And even then... they reverted to Chinese control. Chinese culture was so overpowering that even in the early colonial era (before what we in the States call the "French and Indian War," but I believe may be more appropriately be called the "War of the Spanish Succession), it's awe was felt as far as Western Europe. Then Europe "surpassed China on the tech tree," built some "Cultural Improvements China did not have" and China became their own personal stomping ground, though nobody has yet truly managed to conquer china, only to pacify it.

        In short, as Confucius would put it, to be a great ruler of men, you must not only have great military might, but you must also have great "Wen." The closest English translation is: yes, you guessed it: Culture.
        To those who understand,
        I extend my hand.
        To the doubtful I demand,
        Take me as I am.


        • #19
          Queen Anne’s War (1702–13) corresponds to the War of the Spanish Succession.

          The French and Indian War was later, but Queen Anne's War is often lumped into the group heading "French and Indian Wars".

          Dig me, I can use a search engine. Hope you don't mind the nitpick.
          Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


          • #20
            oh i forgot something:
            i hate cities switching sides, and me loosing alot of units in the city
            agree, its annoying.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ironwood
              Terraform options? What more do you want? I thought Civ2's option to build and level mountains to be silly, since we don't even do this in real life. You can irrigate, road, rail, forest, deforest, etc. What more is there? This is a historical game, not sci-fi.
              Well, it's very possible to terraform deserts to plains in real life, as some more developed african countries have shown, not to mention Australia. Hills could probably also be leveled in reality, if someone was crazy enough to do it, but what I'd like is to build plumbing through hills and mountains so water can flow to the dry side of a mountain range.
              MonsterMan's Mod:


              • #22
                I agree with point one on encomium's list, but a Naval Bomber uit? Yea, and I want there to be a Melon resource! Do you really expect the developers to do everything the way you want?
                "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                • #23
                  [QUOTE] Originally posted by MonsterMan

                  Well, it's very possible to terraform deserts to plains in real life, as some more developed african countries have shown, not to mention Australia.

                  Interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

                  Originally posted by MonsterMan
                  Hills could probably also be leveled in reality, if someone was crazy enough to do it, but what I'd like is to build plumbing through hills and mountains so water can flow to the dry side of a mountain range.
                  Well, you can irrigate anywhere once you've discovered electricity (or is it electronics?). I assume you mean you'd like to be able to do so earlier. I would think that the usual, real world problem with doing this is that usually, the "dry side" of a range is actually higher up than the "wet side" (I know it is in East Asia), thus necessitating pumps, generally electric pumps.
                  To those who understand,
                  I extend my hand.
                  To the doubtful I demand,
                  Take me as I am.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Encomium
                    I DON'T like it. Here's why. . .

                    1. Submarines and privateers on TRADE ROUTES damage the opposition's commerce and trade in real wars. Protecting

                    ..... blah, blah, blah .....

                    And that's just for starters. . .
                    This is copied exactly from an other thread (where I pointed out his errors 1 by 1, by he never responded). Really, this is worse than Lib ever was and it's nothing more than spam.

                    I like the game and I fully support the analysis of the original post.
                    Sorry....nothing to say!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Alexnm
                      Encomium has posted these same rants on another thread, so I think it is some kind of template he uses wherever he wants to spread his anger...
                      He's been ranting all over the board, I just can't get away from him. Thank god for the ignore feature. I'm beginning to wonder if he's even a person. Maybe he's some piece of software that's programmed to occasionaly spew out some hostile thing to say about the game, kind of like a Denial Of Service worm. After all, he pretty much uses the same lines over and over again, and anytime he gets insulted or ridiculed he never has a rebuttal.


                      • #26
                        I assume you mean you'd like to be able to do so earlier. I would think that the usual, real world problem with doing this is that usually, the "dry side" of a range is actually higher up than the "wet side" (I know it is in East Asia), thus necessitating pumps, generally electric pumps.
                        Would you happen to know the magic spell required to irrigate hills?
                        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                        • #27
                          Hey, you're right. One can't irrigate hills! That could be done in Civ2... not that I ever did. That, of corse, is why I didn't know it sooner.

                          But, after discovering Electronics, you can irrigate in any plains or grassland square, regardless of whether there's an immediate source of fresh water or not. You don't even have to be by salt water, just go to the square and hit "i". This, I would assume, is a simulation of the ability to transport water by means other than gravity driven canal systems.
                          To those who understand,
                          I extend my hand.
                          To the doubtful I demand,
                          Take me as I am.


                          • #28
                            Well, then. We'll just have to plant all our vineyards in grassland and plains, won't we?
                            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                            • #29
                              Wine is fine, but liquor is quicker.
                              Sorry....nothing to say!

