This post is mainly directed at Yin.
I just don't think that his manner of criticism is going to amount to anyone involved with the game design to listen, or to promote in any way a constructive dialogue.
I mean, to call anyone who has anything good to say about the game names, is wrong I think.
I don't know...
Yin seems very passionate about the game, and I like that!
But, damn....Just because someone likes the game doesn't mean they are some lower form of life that doesn't understand the "real" Civ as he sees it.
I think that the reason that some are disappointed with Civ3 is that it did not improve upon the game as time and technology advancements since Civ2 would have dictated.
And, by the way, I agree with that. I have my own gripes, but i'll save 'em, as they aren't the focus of this post.
This post is mainly directed at Yin.
I just don't think that his manner of criticism is going to amount to anyone involved with the game design to listen, or to promote in any way a constructive dialogue.
I mean, to call anyone who has anything good to say about the game names, is wrong I think.
I don't know...
Yin seems very passionate about the game, and I like that!
But, damn....Just because someone likes the game doesn't mean they are some lower form of life that doesn't understand the "real" Civ as he sees it.
I think that the reason that some are disappointed with Civ3 is that it did not improve upon the game as time and technology advancements since Civ2 would have dictated.
And, by the way, I agree with that. I have my own gripes, but i'll save 'em, as they aren't the focus of this post.
