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Negativity is all too common

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  • #46
    "deconstructive thinkers and speakers are being deluded into thinking that their critical analysis of any given thing is making it better. "

    I hope you're not refering to "deconstruction" the analytic/philsophical method. I think Deconstructionists are only slightly more deluded than the average person.

    I'd like to make one further very blunt point: If the vehement, oft-repeated "criticism" is also _wrong_ then it's definetly not helping anything.
    I don't feel like pointing to any specific "criticisms" - except that I don't find the use of profanity in comments about the lack of stack movement entirely unreasonable - but I'd really hate for a boneheaded suggestion to get into the game just because someone repeated often enough.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Sir Ralph
      Unbelievable, Charley. You agree 100% to the same facts I stated in the MOO3 thread, where it was "meaningless childish slanderous rant"?

      Well, thanks, with your post and an Euro I'm going to have a Burger at Mickey D. tomorrow. Have a nice evening.
      No, it wasn't "what" you were saying, it was "how" you were saying it that I had a problem with. I do have some principles. Enjoy you're burger.

      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


      • #48
        .. for 25 polite emails I got maybe 1 vague response (if I was lucky!).

        Sounds like stalking to me.

        Explains a lot.
        Sorry....nothing to say!


        • #49
          Originally posted by ACooper
          Sounds like stalking to me.

          Explains a lot.
          Well then I guess every member of the community is a stalker. 25 emails isn't much - considering a 10 year fan base.

          - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


          • #50
            Praising and gloating about how good the game is inside the forums in the direct audience of Critics won't improve the game, no. And telling Firaxis how good of a job they did will only take away from us trying to improve the game, because they'll hear all these compliments and think everything is okay and they'll be less likely to fix things. Get it now? Don't twist my words!
            I think you misunderstood me. You said . . .

            But one thing remains certain, only criticism will improve the game, not praise.
            As far as I can tell, this means "no praise, whatsoever . . . only criticism".

            I disagreed and said . . .

            Perhaps you meant a healthy balance of both criticism and praise would do the trick?
            Note my use of the word "and". I am NOT excluding criticism. I am merely adding the "praise" component.

            I was not twisting your words. I thought your "no praise" idea was extreme and so I was looking for a confirmation from you in the form of a question.

            I strongly disagree. The Beatle's music was so superior and original that imperfections in the production would be irrelevant. Just as people eagerly listen to very poor quality Grateful Dead "concert tapes," so people would still listen to the Beatles.

            This was a rather nice diversion.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Chronus
              I think you misunderstood me. You said . . .

              As far as I can tell, this means "no praise, whatsoever . . . only criticism".
              No, I didn't mean all criticism and no praise, in fact both are healthy forms of expression. But in terms of improving the game after it's been released - I don't see how 'praising' it will help, maybe you can tell me how...?

              Note my use of the word "and". I am NOT excluding criticism. I am merely adding the "praise" component.
              Well in terms of praise and how it is applied, I think after each good patch and improvement the developers should receive some praise, but IMO not before they improve the issue at hand.

              I was not twisting your words. I thought your "no praise" idea was extreme and so I was looking for a confirmation from you in the form of a question.
              My appologies Chronus, I guess you caught me in the middle of a heated debate. I agree with you, a little praise can't hurt, it might actually build some motivation, but if it doesn't - then the improvement we all want might not happen.

              This was a rather nice diversion.
              Yeah, the beetles. That was pretty well timed.

              - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


              • #52
                BTW, are you Libertarian's brother or something?
                Nah. If Charley were my brother, Mark would ban him for a week and take pot-shots at him while he can't respond.

                Like this one:

                Charles, you are falling into the "libertarian trap"
                just because Dan choose to not reply to your little rant (with arguments that have been posted lots of times in the past and have been answered) doesnt mean anything.
                Found here
                "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                • #53
                  Nice to have you back, Lib. I was afraid after our mutual banning you might have said "%^&k it."
                  Sorry....nothing to say!


                  • #54
                    Shaggy? Is that you?
                    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Libertarian
                      Shaggy? Is that you?

                      Some people got offended by my name.
                      Sorry....nothing to say!


                      • #56
                        Hmmm... Well, I suppose that authoritarians are offended by mine.

                        Thanks for the welcome, which I reciprocate.
                        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Libertarian

                          Nah. If Charley were my brother, Mark would ban him for a week and take pot-shots at him while he can't respond.

                          I'm sure my turn isn't far away.

                          - What we do in life, echos in eternity.

