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Pollution woes...

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  • Pollution woes...

    Has anyone else had unbelievable problems with pollution?

    I'm getting 5-8 polluted squares per turn. And I'm not even producing that much pollution in my cities. It takes a base time of 24 turns to clean up one polluted square!!! Here's the biggest catch though...I'm playing on Chieftan level.

    In CivII, I could have built King Richard's Crusade in the middle of 10 mined hills with a factory/ manuf. plant combo and still not have a problem with pollution when playing on chieftan level (even though the city would be producing tons of emissions).

    I can't imagine what pollution must be like at higher levels. Pollution always has and always will totally reduce the playing enjoyment I get from Civ (even if I acknowledge it's validity). And this is the only place where I feel I need to cheat by reducing the base time to clean up pollution from 24 to 12 turns.

    What's it like at deity?

  • #2
    Re: Pollution woes...

    Originally posted by fittstim
    What's it like at deity?
    Exactly the same.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      Re: Pollution woes...

      Originally posted by fittstim
      In CivII, I could have built King Richard's Crusade in the middle of 10 mined hills with a factory/ manuf. plant combo and still not have a problem with pollution when playing on chieftan level (even though the city would be producing tons of emissions).
      Generally, Civ2 was a lot easier and thus, more relaxing than playing.

      As for the pollution in Civ3: It comes mainly from the population, not from production. The solution is, don't irrigate much, but mine, and build hospitals only if you discover Ecology/Recycling soon.


      • #4
        Re: Re: Pollution woes...

        Originally posted by Skanky Burns

        Exactly the same.
        But you're just a king, surely less than a deity. How would you know?

        Do warlords dream of divine sheep?

        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          Re: Re: Re: Pollution woes...

          Originally posted by notyoueither

          Do warlords dream of divine sheep?

          No...they dream of pollution free city squares...


          • #6
            I changed the base time of removing pollution to 8. Now, it's not so hard.

            I must strongly object to the idea of not building hospitals. Even if you have five polluted squares in every city radius, you'll be better off with hospitals.

            Oh, and keep a healthy supply of workers on every landmass to deal with pollution.

            The way pollution works in Civ3 is both totally unrealistic and frustrating. A pre-industrial size-13 city may pollute an area to be more noxious than 1980's Poland.
            MonsterMan's Mod:

