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My Opinion

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  • My Opinion

    The AI cheats hands down, we all know that.

    I miss the caravans and spies/diplomats, they were physical representations that you could destroy so as to interfere with another civ's foreign relations. Overall I dislike the way that trade and espionage are carried out in this game.

    We already know from Civ2 that the AI makes ridiculous demands for trades

    I liked the new unit graphics, they are purdy!

    Did they intentionally make the other civs leaders So F'n annoying looking when they are mad at you? was it an attempt to make you more annoyed at them for being annoyed at you, because if thats the case it worked!

    I liked being able to transform terrain in Civ2, why did they remove that?

    The "luck" that the AI has with warriors is perhaps the most annoying thing in the game. I find it hard to believe that ONE FRICKIN' Warrior in an enemy capital can fend off the attack of 4 archers and 6 horsemen (all attacking from plains, oh the horsemen died even though supposedly they can retreat when the first move they make is an attack)

    The corruption I could personally do without, that's one "realistic" thing I would love to see thrown out the window

    The game seems to move slower... I don't know if anyone else has noticed that. I liked it in my first game but then in my second game when I wanted to nuke something I had to wait 5 days of game playing to do so. I play at least an hour a day.

    at this moment I can only think of one more thing to say about "Civ3": It is perhaps one of the most expensive Mods for Civ2 that I have ever seen...
    Last edited by Space05us; February 6, 2002, 01:52.

  • #2
    it's not a civ2 mod. civ2 mods can be played MP if all the players have the mod.
    Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


    • #3
      quit being a smart-ass, you know what I mean


      • #4

        of the issues you mentioned, i don't have that much of a problem with any of them, except for the game seems to drag out (stupid tech cap).

        as for the combat luck, i've only experienced one instance in the few games that i've played (about 6) in which a knight killed off one of my modern armors (sitting around guarding against just such an attack). my armor was vet and at full power and was wasted by the knight. i killed the knight (down to yellow health) with a badly weakened non-vet mech inf (which was the only nearby unit, as the others were off razing cities).
        Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool

