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Value of Civilization Advances

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  • Value of Civilization Advances

    How can I know the relative value of civilization advances? The AI seems to consider some advances more valuable than others, and I feel like I am at a disadvantage in transactions.

  • #2
    If you go into the editor, you'll be able to see the costs of each the advances.


    • #3
      I miss the weighted AI value of techs from Civ 2, where tech values varied for different AI roles.

      There doesn't seem to be such a mechanism in Civ 3. Sad, because I hoped for guys like Shaka and Genghis to be keen on techs like Gunpowder and Fission.
      The difference between industrial society and information society:
      In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
      In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


      • #4
        I've noticed a few tech trading trends the AI uses. These apply both ways, such that a tech that is expensive for you to buy from an AI will get you a higher price from the AI as well and so on. That being said, here is what I've noticed:

        1) AIs will trade more for a tech that no one else has. The more civs that have the tech, the less the civ will pay for it.

        2) If the tech allows for the appearance of strategic resources, or military units the AI will trade more for it.

        3) If the AI is already researching the tech you're trying to sell it, the price will decrease dramatically as the AI gets closer to discovering it. Often times I have tried buying a tech off a civ when I was 1 turn away from discovering it and found the civ would offer it to me for 1 gold.

        4) If the AI is at war with another civ and you are trading a military tech, the AI seems to pay more.

        I know that #1 and #3 are correct, #2 and #4 are just things that seem consistent with the games I have played but they could be wrong. Please post more info on this if you have it.


        • #5
          Err... Ahem... Has anyone made a compilation of these costs? I don't want to check techs one by one and write down the little number... Lazy... :-)


          • #6
            Originally posted by TinCow
            2) If the tech allows for the appearance of strategic resources, or military units the AI will trade more for it.

            I know that #1 and #3 are correct, #2 and #4 are just things that seem consistent with the games I have played but they could be wrong. Please post more info on this if you have it.
            On #2:
            I'm almost sure that AI values techs that reveals strategic resources more than others, but the military units thing does not seam to be always the case.

