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Why can't I build railroads sometimes?

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  • Why can't I build railroads sometimes?

    I've got steam power. I've got 100 captured workers. My cities are all connected with railroads.

    Now I'm building up rails behind my army as it advances, and I'm wondering why it's not letting me build railroads in some areas. Is there a limit to how far outside your territory you can build railroads? It doesn't make sense, as there are a lot of places I can build railroads outside of my territory, but just a few I can't.

    Anybody know what keeps you from being able to build railroads on top of squares with roads in certain areas?
    To secure peace is to prepare for war.

  • #2
    Poor soil conditions. Press ctrl-ss to reveal the Civ3 substrate map. The depth of this game is amazing, aint it.


    • #3
      Thanks. You're hilarious.
      To secure peace is to prepare for war.


      • #4
        Sorry. Check and see if the roads you are trying to lay track on are connected to the iron resource.


        • #5
          Sorry for being pissy...

          Anyway, here's a screenshot. You can see that I have iron right next to Atzcapotzalco, and I have a another source of iron just off the screen next to St. Louis. I actually have five sources of iron in my empire. I didn't have any trouble connecting all my cities with railroads, but it just won't let me build them in this area.
          Attached Files
          To secure peace is to prepare for war.


          • #6
            It's a bug. I had it too in my last game.. Fortunately I had saved game only few turns earlier. I just reload it and the problem is gone.. I suspect it because of those lil button menu in the bottom screen can't hold more than 10 buttons..


            • #7
              The most ridiculous thing happened in my civ game where the Indians got 5 coals, and the rest of the world got none.

              Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


              • #8
                OK, it's just because the game can't have more than 10 buttons. That's a pretty annoying bug.

                Apparently this is only something that occurs on resource squares on flat land where you can build a colony, irrigate, plant forest, or mine. The two squares I kept trying were grassland dye luxuries with irrigation. The only way to get around it is by building a fortress. After that, the fortress button goes away and it has room for the Railroad button.

                The surprising part is that when it can't fit the button, Shift-R doesn't work, either.
                To secure peace is to prepare for war.


                • #9
                  What about ctrl shift r and click on next tile?
                  Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                  • #10
                    Actually, it's not that it can't have more than 10 buttons. I tried pillaging everything on the square, and it had 12 buttons. Now I'm having trouble duplicating the bug.
                    To secure peace is to prepare for war.


                    • #11
                      Just in case...
                      You need iron AND coal to build railroad.
                      If you have both and both are linked to the square you want to build a railraod, then I can't help you :/
                      Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                      • #12

                        This doesn't appear to the case in your screen shot, but I found that my supply lines of iron and coal were cut off if the AI had cultural boundaries preventing the square from strategic supply. In one game I crossed an isthmus and started capturing Russian cities with my aim to capture a strategic coal supply (of which I had none at the time. Once I had secured my coal, I figured I would RR like a madman in order to rush in reinforcments.

                        To my surprise I couldn't build RR's. It seems the AI's culture border occupied the one and only square on the isthmus. What's more his culture cut off any naval routes as well, so the cities with Harbor had no viable route to get the much needed iron on the one half of my empire and coal on the other. A little bombarment and reductionof the one high culture city allowed a recession of the culture boundary and a viable supply route was then established. Voila!! Rails everywhere.

                        Again I don't know if this was the case for you

                        "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                        “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                        • #13

                          What, are all the SMAX ppl coming to the Civ3 forum now?

                          I've got iron & coal, and I don't think my situation had anything to do with culture. The same type of thing happened again. One worker couldn't build a railroad right next to another one in open territory, but after I built a Fortress I could build a railroad. This time, though, I didn't have to complete the fortress before it let me build the RR.
                          To secure peace is to prepare for war.


                          • #14
                            The most ridiculous thing happened in my civ game where the Indians got 5 coals, and the rest of the world got none.
                            I actually think the idea of that happening is quite good!, In the Real world countries can control the worlds supply of a given resource...
                            Up The Millers


                            • #15

                              Sorry 'bout that. It didn't look like you were in enemy territory but you never know.

                              As for us died in the wool SMAC(x) er's welll.... you know how it is. You're here in the vain hope that you'll see a revitalized game patch from Firaxis as the shot of a SMAC2 is less than the shot of decent Civ3 patch (also a long shot I might add).

                              OTOH I'm an eternal optimist. No I'm a pessimist.

                              Schizophrenically yours ,

                              "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                              “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter

