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Just Played a Game of Civ I...

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  • Just Played a Game of Civ I...

    For a laugh I installed good old Civ I and used Mo-Slo.

    Kicked Stalin around, listened to the drums of angry Genghis. I loved how fast the turns went. Fun game, particularly when the Egyptians dumped a bunch of tanks on my coast, nearly lost capital.

    Fun Factor: 8/10

    Then I fired up Civ II MGE, with Julius' gigamaps, scenarios, no limits add-on. I used my modded rules.txt, which I changed to make it easier on the AI and make units more balanced.

    It was a titanic earth map struggle as the gigamap Mongols were VERY aggressive and built a huge Eurasian empire. We both launched...they were due 2 years before!! The War to End All Wars was unleashed...and I actually ran out of steam trying to cross the deserts and mountains of asia in the face of endless bomber waves...But I snatched victory from defeat...the Mongol capital was JUST within range of a sub-launched nuclear SDI...So I quickly bought Manhattan project in 1 turn, missile 1 turn after...Paradropped, Karakorum fell....Mongols got 2 relocates...but the worst was over. The world was free to be enslaved by my glorious empire!

    Fun Factor: 9/10 -1 because of the constant annoyance over carriers...

    Civ III: I figured I might as well get some use outta it while I wait for the mythical editor. Got some resources. Edited rules so that all improvements and Wonders have courthouse effect. Corruption became almost manageable. Built Pyramids. Built 20 cities. Churned out waves and waves of War Chariots, then Cavalry, then Tanks. Took out my three neighbours by razing.

    Sat around for next 500 years and then launched.

    Fun Factor: 5/10
    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.

  • #2
    Re: Just Played a Game of Civ I...

    Edited rules so that all improvements and Wonders have courthouse effect. Corruption became almost manageable.
    so you unbalanced the game, made it too easy (and thus less fun). is that your point?

    suggestion: try the 4th tournament game. lots of people found it challenging(and thus fun)
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #3
      Is THAT a solution???

      MarkG! You were two step away from being responsible for my nervous breakdown

      I didn't had the time to finish it, though... I try the 5 th today. Seems very different, huh? Nice to change the bases from a tournament to another. Thanks for taking care of us
      Oh... well... isn't this the place where I should write something funny and original?


      • #4
        Originally posted by dix2der
        Is THAT a solution???
        he described the challenge he got from a threat as part of the fun of the game and the easiness (in the civ3 game) as part of the "un-fun"

        what's the problem with suggesting a more challenging situation to play?
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #5
          Those ratings sound about right.
          "I've spent more time posting than playing."


          • #6
            were you playing on diety level for each game?

            thought not!


            • #7
              Re: Just Played a Game of Civ I...

              Originally posted by Seeker
              For a laugh I installed good old Civ I and used Mo-Slo.

              Kicked Stalin around, listened to the drums of angry Genghis. I loved how fast the turns went. Fun game, particularly when the Egyptians dumped a bunch of tanks on my coast, nearly lost capital.

              Fun Factor: 8/10

              Then I fired up Civ II MGE, with Julius' gigamaps, scenarios, no limits add-on. I used my modded rules.txt, which I changed to make it easier on the AI and make units more balanced.

              It was a titanic earth map struggle as the gigamap Mongols were VERY aggressive and built a huge Eurasian empire. We both launched...they were due 2 years before!! The War to End All Wars was unleashed...and I actually ran out of steam trying to cross the deserts and mountains of asia in the face of endless bomber waves...But I snatched victory from defeat...the Mongol capital was JUST within range of a sub-launched nuclear SDI...So I quickly bought Manhattan project in 1 turn, missile 1 turn after...Paradropped, Karakorum fell....Mongols got 2 relocates...but the worst was over. The world was free to be enslaved by my glorious empire!

              Fun Factor: 9/10 -1 because of the constant annoyance over carriers...

              Civ III: I figured I might as well get some use outta it while I wait for the mythical editor. Got some resources. Edited rules so that all improvements and Wonders have courthouse effect. Corruption became almost manageable. Built Pyramids. Built 20 cities. Churned out waves and waves of War Chariots, then Cavalry, then Tanks. Took out my three neighbours by razing.

              Sat around for next 500 years and then launched.

              Fun Factor: 5/10
              well, go play Civ1 and 2 then.

              Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


              • #8
                Actually, I just got Marla's historical starting positions thing to work, and edited the units (faster, stronger ships, Musketeer has 4 defense) and the map (so Rhein, Milan, Korea, and Detroit can have an Iron Works, bigger BC).

                It is now more fun, but my game is crawling with 16 mistake I guess.

                I played the games I talked about on Emperor, Deity, and Emperor respectively.

                This current game is also on Emperor. I have 15 cities in AD 400, Germans. I got Sparta from Greeks due to Culture flipping (I like cathedrals), but due to corruption, my inability to expand anymore, and the AI's exhorbitant price for techs I am falling behind severely in Tech. I am a Republic and will soon discover Chivalry. I have a Fur, Wine, 2 Iron, and a Horse. I'm trading Zulus for Ivory.

                The game is much more fun now that it is heavily modified from the pantload I got in the tin-box.

                I eagerly await the Scenario Editor, who, like the Messiah, will save us all.
                "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.

