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List: Unbalanced Combat

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  • List: Unbalanced Combat

    This is not a compaint thread, this is not a praise thread. We all know, that there are areas we have some dislike in the game. This thread is to address one (and only one) of those areas.

    Unit Balance
    Sid Meirs said he purposely did not make modern units more powerful than older ones so that a person won't fall too far behind because of lack of resources.

    Well, there's two solutions to that -- make resources more readily available like in real life and allow us to make TRUE frienships and lasting alliances with the AI where we can mercifully get only the few other resources we don't have.
    Address the inconsistencies in Unit Strenghts without making major changes to the idea of modern units not being more powerful.

    So, let's do just that in this thread, list the unit by unit inconsistencies in power.
    • submarine loses to ironclad
    • nuclear sub not more powerful than regular submarine
    • cruise missile (or fleet of cruise missiles if you want to view it that way) can't destroy ironclad or at least take it to 1 hit point.

    Oh, and I'm sure, the issue about retreatable units will come to mind, but perhaps we can reserve that discussion for another thread since it seems nobody has a good solution and the argument for it can go on for who knows how long.

    So add your unit by unit experiences below (aka this unit vs this unit). Only list what normally happens in a battle between such units.

    If I mentioned a word or two that you don't agree with just kind of ignore it or briefly mention it if you must, but don't get off on a tanget with itl.

  • #2
    I've yet to see problems with how the combat works. Fortunately for me. Tho I think a few changes could be made. I like retreating units, as they can't retreat from other fast units.

    Privateers are complete wimps. They should at least be a threat to all wooden ships. Making their attack=3 works for this, as they still pose no threat to any metal ships.
    The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

    The gift of speech is given to many,
    intelligence to few.

