Most of the good features in CivII were designed by Brian Reynolds, I think, but I believe he doesn´t have a copyright on them. That they actually went backwards in Civolution from CivII is mostly explained by utter stupidity, imo...
EXAMPLE: Railroads
I really believe this one example sums up what´s wrong with Firaxis:
1- The original CivI did already have this Railroad overkill. Nobody liked Railroads everywhere, they were as ugly then as they are now.
2- Brian Reynolds listened to the fans and reduced the incentive to build Railroads; CivII was perfect in that respect.
3- The ignoramusses who designed CivIII probably didn´t even know about 1- and 2- above, so they simply repeated the original mistake.
4- This is what you get if you let ignorants do a job that should be done by people who know and care about what they are doing.
EXAMPLE: Railroads
I really believe this one example sums up what´s wrong with Firaxis:
1- The original CivI did already have this Railroad overkill. Nobody liked Railroads everywhere, they were as ugly then as they are now.
2- Brian Reynolds listened to the fans and reduced the incentive to build Railroads; CivII was perfect in that respect.
3- The ignoramusses who designed CivIII probably didn´t even know about 1- and 2- above, so they simply repeated the original mistake.
4- This is what you get if you let ignorants do a job that should be done by people who know and care about what they are doing.
