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Open letter to the whiners on the board...

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  • Open letter to the whiners on the board...

    I'm getting really sick of reading the child-like cries for attention that pass for criticism from a small and, unfortunately, extremely vocal minority on this board. I'm all for constructive criticism, but some of you don't seem to comprehend the concept. The idea that you've been "betrayed" because you were following Civ since day one and your grand vision wasn't realized is really quite absurd... its their game, and you have the option to return it if you're not satisfied. And why in the world do you spend so much time on these boards if you are so dissatisfied with the game? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than spend hours writing messages about how you're cranky because your mommy forgot to change your diapers? As for the complaints that Firaxis does a rather lousy job of interacting with its customers (compared to Bioware, for eample)... I totally agree, but you whiny b*tches aren't helping matters any.


  • #2
    I criticise to improve the game. I can't help it if I feel that if I had written the game's rules system then it would be more playable. If you want a rational discussion then look at my reasons why the game isn't as good as it's predecessors:


    • #3
      And you aren't much help either... attempting to start a flame war is not good either.

      Now Chill... everybody is welcome to their opinion. As long as they stay within the rules of posting here!!!!!

      Case Closed!
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

