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United Nations Victory Option

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  • United Nations Victory Option

    Feedback on this suggestion?

    Rather than election assuring victory and end of game, option to refuse to recognize election (AI or human player). Results in 50 turns of no trading (embargo) between AI/human who refused to recognize the election and all other civilizations. At end of 50 years, UN option resets with new election possible.

    (Searched "Top Desires For Patch" post, did not find this there yet. Posted there, but also here to get some current feedback.)

    I have the UN victory option disabled in my games unless I am specifically playing for that type of win. Would like to have it enabled to add another "multiple" victory option/path to any game. However, I can't emotionally handle the "you lose to UN' thing when I am about to complete a 70% Territory, Cultural, or Total Conquest" victory.

    Yeah, I know it would be kinda/ like SMAC with embargos instead of automatic war.

  • #2
    Embargo? Hah, easy. How about doing it the MOO way? I can still remember when I won the election but refused to accept the result as I wanted to dominate the galaxy. I ended up with everyone else attacking me so that I would rule them!
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