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Leader's personalities

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  • Leader's personalities

    In Civ (I), the leaders of the various civs had somewhat preset dispostions. For example, if the Mongols or Russians showed up on your doorstep and demanded money, you *knew* that a refusal would lead to war 9 times out of 10. But if the Americans or English showed up, you could not be sure whether a refusal would lead to war or not, it seemed situation-dependent. If one grew bored with this arrangement, one could use Alt-R to randomize the personalities.

    In Civ III, the situation seems somewhat more vague .. or perhaps more uniform, in that any civ seems almost eager to declare war on you. Although it is true that some civs try to bluff you, the majority of the time they are not bluffing at all.

    To me, this is most puzzling in the early game when you are trying to keep enemy troops off your roads so that you can move around easily (or you just want them out of your territory), but you do not want to provoke a war. It seems that much of the time, the ai is eager to send military units into your territory. It also seems that any ai is willing to do this, not just the militaristic or aggressive ones. The best way to deal with the problem that I have discovered is to build up your own military. This seems to be the only 'diplomatic tool' that the player has at his disposal to get the ai to notice that it does not want to declare war with you.

    By using tech trading and such, one can placate the various ai's, but it seems that it's as easy to placate any one as any other.
    So, are there different default ai's for the various civs, and are they somewhat constant from game to game, or are the ai's behaviors mostly dependent on the situation at any particular game moment?

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    Well Bismarck always makes some early demands that if not accepted lead to a war (and in most cases his destruction hehe). Bismarck is by far the most aggressive civ. Though it seems as if he has problems surviving in the early times. One game I had where he sucked along nicely with a few cities. Then I began to feed him a bit with money and techs and thought he could beat the english and made an alliance and he gained stronger and stronger. Until he had become the most powerful civ in the late game. Okay maybe next to me, but quite equal.


