They look like octopuses. This is because the random map generator gives each civ about the same maneuvering space on a stupid-looking "continent".
Also, all the civs always start near the coast so there are none that end up landlocked.
The pangea maps don't have enough islands around them. Certainly not any ones of significance. The continents or archipelago ones have too many islands.
Totally unrealistic.
Why can't I get a map with one or two very large continents, a few small islands, and a bunch of tiny islands?
I create my own maps in the map editor, but this takes at least six hours for the huge maps and ruins the discovery element of the game.
Also, all the civs always start near the coast so there are none that end up landlocked.
The pangea maps don't have enough islands around them. Certainly not any ones of significance. The continents or archipelago ones have too many islands.
Totally unrealistic.
Why can't I get a map with one or two very large continents, a few small islands, and a bunch of tiny islands?
I create my own maps in the map editor, but this takes at least six hours for the huge maps and ruins the discovery element of the game.
