Long time reader/player but first post on this board...
I for one would like to see some units in an expansion that offer a bridge between the units of the Napoleonic/Victorian era and the more modern units of WWII. Specifically, I would like to see some of the modern units such as fighters come just a bit later in the game while inserting some units with a WWI flavor to them.
1) Biplanes before fighters. The old Red Baron/Sopwith Camel type aircraft that served more of a scouting/intel role with some firepower. Bombs were dropped by hand from these aircraft and they could have a bombard power similar to cannons. They would look cool and offer some aerial units prior to fighters.
2) Zeppelins would look great. I would see them having very limited combat abilities but unlimited range (not in reality but in game terms). Could give them unique abilities such as creating five of them adds to citizen happiness (a one time bonus due to increased prestige, tourism, and trade). Five zeppelins = 1 happier citizen in each city with no additional happiness benefit for creating more than five. Also creating ten of them could open trade with civilizations not linked to your trade network.
3) I would like to see Meteorology as an advance. A wonder could be a National Weather Center that adds to food output in all your cities the way the skyfarm satellites did in SMAC. It could also allow the unit of "weather balloon" which could allow one to receive weather forcasts which could be traded to other civs and also enhance food production in the city square of the city of origin. Civs with both the Weather Center and Intelligence Agency could have "falsify weather report" as an espionage option which would decrease food production in the civ on which it was afflicted for the next twenty turns. Civs burned once might still buy weather reports from you but offer much less in return.
4) Hot air balloon as a non-combat unit would be nice. They would provide scouting with an unlimited range but there could be a probablity of them moving in a random direction rather than the one selected each time they are moved.
5) Trench warfare: this advance could lead to a "advanced fortified state" that adds the defensive bonuses of a fortress without requiring a fortress to be built. Nice to not have to drag a worker out to a defensive point every time.
6) Mustard gas: similar to the nerve gas in SMAC (boy I miss atrocities)
7) Personnel carriers: ships are great to carry troops on sea but a land equivalent would be nice. Could allow faster reinforcement of positions with the risk of losing several units at once. Only Infantry type (non-mounted) units could be carried.
8) Op Center: an enhanced fortress that offers defensive bonuses of a fortress and offers Zone of Control in the 8 surrounding squares. Could help turns "choke points" back into real choke points.
I hope there is to be an expansion because there is a lot that could be done to make the later parts of the game as fun as the early stages IMHO.
I for one would like to see some units in an expansion that offer a bridge between the units of the Napoleonic/Victorian era and the more modern units of WWII. Specifically, I would like to see some of the modern units such as fighters come just a bit later in the game while inserting some units with a WWI flavor to them.
1) Biplanes before fighters. The old Red Baron/Sopwith Camel type aircraft that served more of a scouting/intel role with some firepower. Bombs were dropped by hand from these aircraft and they could have a bombard power similar to cannons. They would look cool and offer some aerial units prior to fighters.
2) Zeppelins would look great. I would see them having very limited combat abilities but unlimited range (not in reality but in game terms). Could give them unique abilities such as creating five of them adds to citizen happiness (a one time bonus due to increased prestige, tourism, and trade). Five zeppelins = 1 happier citizen in each city with no additional happiness benefit for creating more than five. Also creating ten of them could open trade with civilizations not linked to your trade network.
3) I would like to see Meteorology as an advance. A wonder could be a National Weather Center that adds to food output in all your cities the way the skyfarm satellites did in SMAC. It could also allow the unit of "weather balloon" which could allow one to receive weather forcasts which could be traded to other civs and also enhance food production in the city square of the city of origin. Civs with both the Weather Center and Intelligence Agency could have "falsify weather report" as an espionage option which would decrease food production in the civ on which it was afflicted for the next twenty turns. Civs burned once might still buy weather reports from you but offer much less in return.
4) Hot air balloon as a non-combat unit would be nice. They would provide scouting with an unlimited range but there could be a probablity of them moving in a random direction rather than the one selected each time they are moved.
5) Trench warfare: this advance could lead to a "advanced fortified state" that adds the defensive bonuses of a fortress without requiring a fortress to be built. Nice to not have to drag a worker out to a defensive point every time.
6) Mustard gas: similar to the nerve gas in SMAC (boy I miss atrocities)
7) Personnel carriers: ships are great to carry troops on sea but a land equivalent would be nice. Could allow faster reinforcement of positions with the risk of losing several units at once. Only Infantry type (non-mounted) units could be carried.
8) Op Center: an enhanced fortress that offers defensive bonuses of a fortress and offers Zone of Control in the 8 surrounding squares. Could help turns "choke points" back into real choke points.
I hope there is to be an expansion because there is a lot that could be done to make the later parts of the game as fun as the early stages IMHO.