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  • Armies

    I found out that the value of armies is greatly increased if you give them the ability to blitz. Has anyone else tried this?

  • #2
    Wich way can one give his army the ability to bliiz?


    • #3
      er i think it's what Myronides asked, but what is the ability to blitz


      • #4
        Yes. Korn blitz mod most famous for it, in my mod I also use blitz army (but I have armies without blitz also). Without blitz fast-unit armies useless.
        Check my SF mod

        Aliens Legacy


        • #5


          personally, i find armies completely useless for anything other than getting the pentagon. as far as i can tell, once you add units to an army, they're lost for good. and the army only attacks once...

          when i had an army of three elite modern armor all together trying to take out hoplites, i was a bit miffed that i could only do one at a time
          it's just my opinion. can you dig it?


          • #6
            Try blitzing with them.
            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


            • #7

              Is this only possible by modification? If so, maybe that's something that should be added to the next patch (if there is another one).

              Do you prefer CTP unit stacking style (one of the few things I liked about CTP) to Civ3's armies? In some ways I do, I think that Civ3's armies are too weak for what you have to do to get them. And the fact that you can't add bombarding units to an army makes it unrealistic.


              • #8
                I never put tanks or any fast attackers in armies anyway. My armies always consist of infantry (swordsmen, musketeers (sometimes knights and cavalry), riflemen, infantry, mobile infantry. Nothing beats an army of four mobile infantry, which makes them excellent for defending artillery. Keep a few tanks with them (not in an army) and you can take any city you want.

