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My Feelings on the Game... if you wanna know.

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  • My Feelings on the Game... if you wanna know.

    It's all been said before, and I hate to bore you, but...

    Statement 1: I got bored of Civilization Classic.
    Reason: Civilization II came out.

    Statement 2: I never got bored of Civilization II
    Reason: Limitless Scenario/Modding opportunities.

    Statement 3: I stopped playing Civilization II
    Reason: Civilization II TOT came out.

    Statement 4: I still play Civilization II TOT
    Reason: Fantasy World. Elves and the like.

    Statement 5: I AM bored of Civilization III
    Reason: As much scenario opportunity as Civilization Classic. As in - NONE -

    Statement 6: I will now not play Civilization III for any reason other than to playtest mods.
    Reason: I am waiting for Civilization IV.

    Statement 7: I will make sure I buy Civilization IV from somewhere that operates a (X) day return policy.
    Reason: I wish I could get my money back for Civilization III and I won't make the same mistake twice.

    Not yours,
    An unhappy customer.
    "Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what has it produced? The Cuckoo Clock... goodbye Harold"

  • #2
    Did you buy CTP as well? Or did you know the truth in advance?
    "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
    ^ The Poly equivalent of:
    "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


    • #3
      I was fortunate enough to play that at a friends house before a mistake was made. I played the sequel quite a bit but I missed Civ II too much while I was playing it. Nice Ideas, poor execution, I thought.
      "Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what has it produced? The Cuckoo Clock... goodbye Harold"


      • #4
        Give Clash of Civilizations a go. The terrain looks a bit basic, and they say their AI needs some tuning, but apart from that it is superior to Civilization III in every aspect. You would not believe the depth in which they describe society, technology, etc. Plus it's an open project.
        MonsterMan's Mod:


        • #5
          Actually, I like Civ III a whole lot more than Civ II, even with Test of Time.

          Civ II bores the crap out of me. Part of it is that only two terrain types--grasslands with shields and hills--are good for any reason. The awful diplomacy also stands out.

          And, get this, I actually won a game of Civ III without controlling 3/4 of the planet. That never happens in Conquest II, uh, I mean Civ II.

          Are there things I want in Civ III that aren't there? Yeah, a few. I'm expecting, though, that long before I'm desperate for them, an expansion pack will come along with some enhancements. In the meantime, when MOO3 comes out, I'll likely pick that up, and I'll dream about when MoM2 comes out (not that crap they tried to feed me with the one expansion to Civ II).

