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WHAT?????? We know that Bismarck has betrayed our _friends_ the french????

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  • WHAT?????? We know that Bismarck has betrayed our _friends_ the french????

    Yeah exactly, this was just what my advisor told me. IIRC the French have _NEVER_ been my friends. In addition I have been at war with them till the very end (when the Germans exterminated them).
    The french were furious with me most of the time. And a couple (20-30) turns before their end I also took a bunch of their cities.

    I really want to know HOW the advisor assumes the French have been my friends?
    And I want to know why Bismarck (who was polite before) suddenly has gone annoyed??????
    Has it something to do with that the Advisor considered the French my friends???
    I helped destroy the french. Now Bismarck is annoyed and the french were my friends???? Sorry I dont get the point!
    The french surely were NOT my friends. How do I tell that to the stupid advisor?

    Earlier in this game I had similar problems, when I made with every civ an alliance versus the Greeks.
    When the Greeks were nearly destroyed I made peace with them (cause I kind of felt sorry for em). And then the stupid advisor again considered the Greeks my friends and EVERY CIV WAS ANNOYED!!!!
    Just because I made peace means that now they are my friends???

    I think there is something going wrong with the Diplomatic AI. I suggest Soren has another look into it for the next patch.


  • #2
    I could be wrong, but I don't think that's Soren's doings. I think it's more like the Domestic Nag recommending that you scrap your Hoover Dam project two turns from completion and build a hospital instead.
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #3
      Advisors say the darndest things...

      My domestic advisor keeps nagging about how my size-12 cities needs a hospital to grow any further, whether I can build those or not. Tell me something useful, like starving or revolting cities.

      My foreign advisor looks sad and tells me that the English army has Horsemen, which he thinks is bad for me whether I have Cavalry or not...

      My science advisor tells me to increase science spending even if I can get an advance in four turns.
      MonsterMan's Mod:


      • #4
        You will suffer a penalty in reputation if you break an Alliance (or any kind of treaty) less that 20 turns after it was started. Alliances are particularly bad to break.

        As for the science advisor, he wanted me to invest more money when my science rate was 100%, and every specialist I had was a scientist...
        The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
        Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
        All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
        "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


        • #5
          I think that only thing that AI knows is that somebody betrayed somebody.

          That word friend is just PHRASE.

          You could fix that manualy. You find proper text files and delete word friends.


          • #6
            Yeah, I think any civ you're not actively at war with is a "friend" in the language of your foreign advisor. Of course, the advisors are idiots... but so were Civ II's (those were more amusing, though).

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #7
              Actually by the time the french were destroyed I was still at war with them.

              And I gave a rats ass about them. So I give a rats ass about wether someone betrayed them.

              The problem here is not that the advisor is stupid, the problem is also why the germans got mad at me.
              I wasnt in an alliance with them prior to the defeat of the french! And I wasnt afterwards.
              In fact we didnt have any diplomatic contact before and after. Still het got mad.

              I mean the worst thing is: They dont tell you WHY they are annoyed. And you cant trade: "Okay I annoyed you, what do you need to make it go away?"

              Sure I can give them hundreds of techs. But that does improve NOTHING!!!! I have tried this. They were not a single bit friendlier after I supplied them with loads of techs.

              Then I went into a mutual protection pact ("they driven me a hard bargain, but I took it") and ohohoh now they were polite!

              I find this rather odd.

              Diplomatic AI sure needs some more work.
              This is the only point where I think the game might get unplayable.

              Late game tedium is not a problem for me since I play mostly on small maps and not go for world-domination.
              But when other civs suddenly get annoyed completely out of the blue for no apparent reason this IS a problem!



              • #8
                The AI civs will get "jealous" of you if you get too powerful, or if they're powerful and you are really weak. You said that there was very little, if any, diplomatic contact between you and Germany. Every successful trade between you and the AI improves relations. MPP's and alliances give big boosts, too.

                I have noticed that Bismarck is generally ornery. I think he's coded to be like that - just like Elizabeth is coded to be manipulative and backstabbing.

                I had a situation similar to yours (I was a SUPERpower, and Bismarck was "furious" for no reason). My solution, eventually, was to gift him a luxury. His attitude improved dramatically, and though it did start coming back down, it never did again reach "furious."

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #9
                  Why is everyone gripping??

                  Look at it from a real world standpoint.

                  Millitary: Look at those mean taliban soldiers on their horsies: Increase my budget.

                  Science: We are so slow and technologicaly behind: Increase my budget.

                  Ambasador/Diplomat: Look at our friends that I am working with, I know we have our differences but they are our friends. Increase my budget.

                  Mayor/Govenor: We are such a poor city/state, and we need federal help: Increase my budget.

                  Trade Advisor: Give China Favored Nation Status so we can Trade with them I don't care what they did in the past and present. And Increase my budget.

                  Personally I think that the advisors act true to form. They are always clamoring for more.


                  • #10
                    Giving money on a per turn basis improves your relations on the long term. I did this systemically in a game I won diplomatically (everyone was gracious with me, even if not MPPed).
                    Also, offering interesting trades to others civs, like "we offer 100 gold per turn for this Iron you only demand 50 for" make them thanksful.
                    I once traded world maps with the French, who did explore much less than me, and they were as thanksful as if I had given them 1000 gold
                    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                    • #11
                      What's even more ridiculous is when you go and attacka civ, trash it down to one or two cities, get peace, and your foreign advisor says "remember, the treacherous --civ name here-- have attacked us before." This happens when I blatantly start a war on a civ that was OK with me to begin with. It makes me want to remind the advisor that I was the treacherous SOB, not the other civ.


                      • #12
                        Bismarck never betrayed the French, he just taught them good manners.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LotC
                          What's even more ridiculous is when you go and attacka civ, trash it down to one or two cities, get peace, and your foreign advisor says "remember, the treacherous --civ name here-- have attacked us before." This happens when I blatantly start a war on a civ that was OK with me to begin with. It makes me want to remind the advisor that I was the treacherous SOB, not the other civ.
                          If the leader of my country was a treacherous SOB I would act like the poor bastards who got stomped on were actually the scum of the earth, too. What would you have done to him if he told you something close to the truth: "Remember, these guys may attack us because you're such a treacherous SOB they've got to be thinking it'll be better to stab your back first." Either way the advice is the same - they are unlikely to live up to the treaty. It's just that the game's way lets the adviser keep his head.
                          What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?


                          • #14
                            I find it funny when the foreign advisor says, "Remember, Mao betrayed our friends the Indians." And I think, "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, that was funny. Weren't we the ones who helped him rub out the Indians? Like 100 years ago?"
                            Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                            • #15
                              No we had diplomatic contact, but at the point the french got destroyed there wasnt. Some turns later I checked and found him looking at me so mad.

                              Maybe I should have gratulated him for his victory and he got mad because I didnt

                              Exactly the same here


