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When will that day be???

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  • When will that day be???

    I bought CivIII and am wondering if the editor has been fixed with regards to placing cities for scenarios? The game looks fantastic. Just this small little matter.


    P.S. When MP coming out. I know it will be in an expansion pack. Remember the process of Civ2!
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2
    prepare to be called a 'fanboy'. you should have wrote something like:
    civ 3 sucks! where is the (deleted) editor????wtf? combat is crappolo! culture sux! AI cheats! where is fundy? phalanx killed my pyramids/modern armor/stealth bomber!!! where is elvis? etc. etc. oh also say, 'bryan adams would do this and that'. do not say 'it is only a game'. i must stop now, i started writing like bridget jones


    • #3
      It'll be coming sooner or later, and there is a good chance it will come with some editor updates. What they will be are anyone's guess, although...


      • #4
        There's too much potential for Firaxis to NOT make some changes to the editor. In fact, if you think about it, how would they include scenarios for an expantion pack WITHOUT an improved editor???
        "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


        • #5
          There will probably be an improved editor in an expansion pack, along with others new things. If you look at some of the txt files, you'll see they have planned to implement many things (including multiplayer, which give most of the error messages in the Jackal.txt).
          I suppose they are currently working now on an expansion rather than on an abitious patch. And the newly recrutement of beta-testers attests they will do something to complete the game.
          Question is : when ? (as late as possible I hope, I don't want a new rushed product)
          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


          • #6
            Originally posted by LaRusso
            prepare to be called a 'fanboy'. you should have wrote something like:
            civ 3 sucks! where is the (deleted) editor????wtf? combat is crappolo! culture sux! AI cheats! where is fundy? phalanx killed my pyramids/modern armor/stealth bomber!!! where is elvis? etc. etc. oh also say, 'bryan adams would do this and that'. do not say 'it is only a game'. i must stop now, i started writing like bridget jones

            That's a good one.

            That means that I am probably a fanboy.

