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What level is the fairest?

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  • What level is the fairest?

    Hi all, haven't played or visited in a long time.

    I might be wrong but it appears that at any difficulty after Regent, the computer is heavily stacked. Especially in the science game.

    For instance, it's about year 3700 BC. (2 or 3 turns in ). I bump into the Zulu and have a dig at what they got in terms of science. Since it's so early in the game, they should only have the 2 techs they started with to trade with. but they've the got the initial 2 plus 3 more! Fine, pehaps they swapped techs with some else on the first or second turn. I restart.

    I bump into a neighbour no more than 3 turns in. again, he's heavily loaded with excess techs to trade whereas all i have is my initial 2. i quit to check out the map. we're on an island! there's no 3rd party.

    if the computer is stacked to begin the game, how can they possibly acquire so much so early. 3 turns in, they've already got 2 cities set up at least 4 steps from each other and a 3rd settler on the way.

    Can somebody please recommend a good balancer mod. I don't want to change anything else. I just want the game to be fair.

    btw, i've since fdisked my drive for viral reasons. can somebody recommend the latest and best graphics updates for the game?


  • #2


    • #3
      What level is fair depends on how much you perfectionise your moves and what you consider fair.

      If you consider fair, you having a 50% chance to win, and you play carefully, you better play deity.
      Some people however don't like to play games where they risk losing....

      Those techs are from 2 things: trade and huts. If one gets more is not that bad, just find someone to trade your initial techs with as well and your even. But you must find at least one to trade soon. If they have found eachother and traded everything before you found one or 2, you will be behind and it will hard to catch up and ever have anything to offer for them.

      Also is it a good idea to invent that what you know the AI does not go for.
      Try to tech vertically, meaning you go to high techs asap instead of getting many low techs first (so its horizontally on the tech map) this way you will more likely have stuff to trade with the AI, even if you are behing in tech. Also will the often give you up to 3 lower techs for the tech you have.


      • #4


        • #5
          I can't seem to find clear statements in the instruction's manual indicating the level of difficulty that is "equal" for player and AI.

          I no longer have the Strategy Guide (ended up being kindling for my fireplace), but I vaguely recall a table in that guide that seemed to indicate the level of no AI penalties or bonuses was at Monarch.
          sum dum guy


          • #6
            Regent is the even level. No bonuses nor handicaps for the AI - for the most part. The bit where they always know where your troops are and where barbarians are (and probably huts) is on all levels.

            Given the examples you give, I think Regent is the best level for you. Monarch is where I'm at for now, where the AI does get bonuses to research and production, along with some free units. It's not outrageous like Diety, though.

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #7
              I also like Monarch a lot.
              It is fun without being to frustating (i.e. that you do not have to do everything perfectly etc., although I have to say I did not really try Emperor/Deity).

              I find Regent too easy.

              Didn't anybody post a poll about preferred level of play yet?
              (I was searching for that but couldn't find it. Did bump into this thread though).


              • #8
                Fun is what counts!

                Regent is the level where the AI doesn't get major advantages in production. I usually play Monarch for a little bit of a challenge. Higher levels always feel like you are playing for exploits, such as city packing.

                Pick a level that's fun for you!


                • #9
                  Indeed, one can win on monarch without rush-building (except in rare emergency cases), and without massive tech selling (although selling communism to all AI's to see them engage in massive unproductive world wars while you build UN/SpaceShip is sometimes kinda fun)


                  • #10
                    Regent is the fair level.
                    "BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
                    Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
                    Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D?
                    Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1


                    • #11
                      And incase you missed the other 100 posts, Regent is the fair level.
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #12
                        Regent you are all saying? That is strange, I watch the AI play at anything less than Monarch and they seem to be purposefully sabotaging production in their cities. (not mining hills, etc) I find monarch easy, but only because the AI is so inept anyway. However, city management does not seem to improve any between Monarch and Deity, etc. Things just get cheaper for the AI.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LoneSnark
                          Regent you are all saying? That is strange, I watch the AI play at anything less than Monarch and they seem to be purposefully sabotaging production in their cities. (not mining hills, etc) I find monarch easy, but only because the AI is so inept anyway. However, city management does not seem to improve any between Monarch and Deity, etc. Things just get cheaper for the AI.
                          Correct. The AI does not get smarter at higher levels, it just gets a few handicaps.


                          • #14
                            At regent level the AI builds at 100% of your rate: Monarch 25% faster; Deity 66% faster. Conversely at Chieftain you build twice as fast as the AI.

                            At higher levels the AI will outbuild you, produce more tax revenue and get a big tech lead. I haven't played at this level as I'm not a masochist!

                            I also beleive the AI civs get meaner at higher levels as well. Some threads suggest they might actually co-operate to try and beat you and may do things such as trade when it's not their turn - I haven't seen this at lower levels.


                            • #15
                              I prefer Monarch. Regent gets a tad too easy after a while.

                              Some on this thread implied that the AI gang up on you on Monarch - I haven't seen this yet.

                              Actually, on of my strategies is having one or more Protection Pacts, starting a war with my foe of the day, then (after a while) making peace with the foe - and have my former ally fight on.

                              Serveral times this has started a domino effect where almost everyone but me are at war - leaving me to advance my tech and perfect my citites.

                              Nothing more satisfying then having modern armor and mech. infantry - while all the rest are stuck with riflemen and cavalery.

                              SO. Long answer. Could have just said "Monarch".


