I try to read as many post on these forums as I can. This is the first of Sid's Civs that I have played, having been introduced to the series through CTP I/II.
At any rate, it strikes me as rather odd that alot of people take morality into account when devising strategies for the game. I was stunned also by the heated debates over the fascist patch. I just want to hear from both sides. Personally, I don't take the feelings and needs of conquered peoples IN A GAME into account when playing. I will starve or bombard cities down to a population of one to prevent them reverting back to the motherland. I also doesn't keep me up nights when people in my own cities starve and the population drops by one. In CTP, I would also use biological attacks and I would build a huge empire early in the game by using slavers and taking barbarians to serve my cities. Slavery in the real world was/is a fact. Too bad that they didn't include slavers in Civ 3.
You see, we cannot change history to our taste just because we may find something in the past that we find abhorrent. Slavery, fascism, and yes even terrorism is a part of the world that we inhabit together. There are things in this life that bother us all. Taking an element out of a game isn't going to change that. The only way that real change is going to happen is you click Start-->Shut Down, push the chair away from the computer, and go out of your front door and make an effort to change it. To me, this is just a game. If certain elements are introduced into the game that you find distasteful, either don't employ them or don't download them. However, if an element is already in the game the computer may use it. Isn't that part of the appeal of this game, having the AI use a tactic that you dislike and then you strike back in righteous anger? Trust me, you'll really be hating life if we EVER GET MULTIPLAYER (are you listening Sid? You owe me, you ripped me off on the Limited edition, but I digress) and someone razes one of your cities because of your high culture or employs a dirty trick. Trust me, it WILL happen.
Well, I will get off of my soapbox and read other viewpoints. In fine, it's just a game. No, it's not historically accurate. If it was, we wouldn't have jet fighters in the 1920's!
At any rate, it strikes me as rather odd that alot of people take morality into account when devising strategies for the game. I was stunned also by the heated debates over the fascist patch. I just want to hear from both sides. Personally, I don't take the feelings and needs of conquered peoples IN A GAME into account when playing. I will starve or bombard cities down to a population of one to prevent them reverting back to the motherland. I also doesn't keep me up nights when people in my own cities starve and the population drops by one. In CTP, I would also use biological attacks and I would build a huge empire early in the game by using slavers and taking barbarians to serve my cities. Slavery in the real world was/is a fact. Too bad that they didn't include slavers in Civ 3.
You see, we cannot change history to our taste just because we may find something in the past that we find abhorrent. Slavery, fascism, and yes even terrorism is a part of the world that we inhabit together. There are things in this life that bother us all. Taking an element out of a game isn't going to change that. The only way that real change is going to happen is you click Start-->Shut Down, push the chair away from the computer, and go out of your front door and make an effort to change it. To me, this is just a game. If certain elements are introduced into the game that you find distasteful, either don't employ them or don't download them. However, if an element is already in the game the computer may use it. Isn't that part of the appeal of this game, having the AI use a tactic that you dislike and then you strike back in righteous anger? Trust me, you'll really be hating life if we EVER GET MULTIPLAYER (are you listening Sid? You owe me, you ripped me off on the Limited edition, but I digress) and someone razes one of your cities because of your high culture or employs a dirty trick. Trust me, it WILL happen.
Well, I will get off of my soapbox and read other viewpoints. In fine, it's just a game. No, it's not historically accurate. If it was, we wouldn't have jet fighters in the 1920's!
