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Fortress/"Free Attacks" problems

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  • Fortress/"Free Attacks" problems

    For the life of me, I cant find out how to get units fortified in a fortress to use the "free shots" on passing units mentioned in the game manual.

    Any help would be appreciated. Also I did try to search the forum for related topics but I couldnt find any.

  • #2
    it works out the free shots like actual combat, if the unit in the fortess has an attack that manages to get the right random number which when goes through civ3's somewhat messed up combat system manages to defeat the defender, who has to walk from one point of zoc around the fortess to ANOTHER point in the fortesses zoc, then it inflicts one damage point. So yes stacking defensive units in fortresses is retarded, and stacking offensive units in fortresses is retarded for a different reason.
    Costal forts work the same equally retarded way especially considering they are easily bypassed.

    You have an infantry defending a fort, the enemy walks a spearsmen by.
    The chances of you hitting it are 3/4.
    (6 attack by your inf / (6 attack by your inf + 2 defense by the spearsmen))
    but when the civ3 zany combat system comes in to play its really much lower.


    • #3

      Couple more questions:
      1) Will units that are "fortifed(F)" get a AoO(Attack of Opportunity)aka "free shot" when they are located in a fortress?

      2) With AoOs, does the "attackee" unit get the benefit of terrain? enemy unit moves from a plains to a mountain tile,, which def bonus is used if any.

      3)Is there an animation for AoOs/"Free Shots"? because I dont think I have seen any.



      • #4
        3)Is there an animation for AoOs/"Free Shots"? because I dont think I have seen any.


        • #5
          i think the unit just has to be in a fortress.
          as for #2 he probably gets the higher one, moral of the story is dont build fortresses.


          • #6
            Free shot looks like just a normal attack. You can see it when you move a unit past a tank or cavalry.

            Fortresses work pretty good for when resources are near a shared border just like having an airport in the nearest city. I'm almost positive that you get terrain benefits with the fortress benefit, but I can't prove it.
            Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


            • #7
              Don't need fortress for free shot (atleast before the patch... haven't seen it happen yet post patch)

              They need to walk from one ZOC square to another.


              Meaning, if the X is your tank, he has to walk from one 0 square to another for your tank to have the opportunity to take a free shot. If he does, and is successful, you'll see it animate. If not, no animation.

