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New Diplomacy Options I think would be nice

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  • New Diplomacy Options I think would be nice

    New Diplomacy Option:
    "End that trade embargo against me!!"
    "Discontinue the mutual protection pact with the civ x"
    "End right of passage agreement with civ x"

    And btw, I have seen the AI _NOT_ accept following offer:
    We want: 4 Gold/Turn We give: 5 Gold/Turn

    Funny isnt it?

    Oh and yes once I demanded something where the Advisor said they would NEVER accept such a deal. It is true, I offered them every city I had. He did not accept. LOL (I had a whole continent for myself and all cities around size 12).

    Never say never dear AI Programmer


  • #2
    One particularly useful thing would be to include an entirely new, broad set of options for parlance with allies:

    "Let us end the war with Civilization X"
    "Please, commit more troops to the war effort against Civilization X"
    "We should coordinate an attack on City X"
    "If you call off your attack and let me capture City X, I will trade you Y"
    "Traitor! If you do not cancel your peace treaty and resume war with Civilization X, we will declare WAR" (this could be a declaration of war without the usual penalties)

    These are but a few of the simple ones...any other ideas?


    • #3
      I agree with all but the last one.
      Military Alliances versus one civ last for 20 turns. If you make peace with that civ during that period everybody you had that alliance with is EXTREMLY annoyed.
      Because you can only lift that alliance peacefully after 20 turns.

      Trust me I had to feel that suddenly everybody hated me because I persuaded everybody to attack the greeks and then when they were nearly finished off I felt sad for them and made peace. Unfortunately in this 20 turn period.
      Now for the rest of the game everybody hated me and still everybody hates me.

      I mean even though I helped the germans so much, gave them virtually EVERY technology and luxuries and all but still nothing. They hate me like mad.
      Stupid Germans. Dont know who their friends are. Without me they would have died long ago. Untrustworthy Bastards they are.



      • #4
        one thing that i really hate is when you are bargaining with the AI, and you get to the "We're getting close to a deal here" point, and then you throw in some gold per turn, and you get "they will probably be insulted by this deal". This needs to be fixed in a patch.

