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  • Hey

    Hmm okay ill introduce myself. I've been playing civ-2 since it came out, and then heavily got into the Age of Empires series, totally dominating it in multiplayer. But now, I am tired of the AoE series, and seeing that civ3 was out, I bought it. 2 days later I was of course hooked. I've had it for about a week, and have my current civ..which is why I needed to talk to some of you. I'll give you the stats, then the problem. I have roughly 25-30 cities, generating 200 gold per turn...year 1850, democracy. Civ is Egypt, map Huge-World I started out in North America. Greece was the only other civ on that continent. Now my problem.

    I am an economic type. I love to have an empire, build up its economy, and then dominate the world by it...which I did in civ2 and found that no one could stop me. But now, its not so easy. I can't take over Greece, who has California...and I have mexico, Quebec, and the rest of the US. I'll put 5 riflemen, 3 cavalry, and 2 cannons against his city (spearmen) and die. In AoE, certain units countered others. Pikeman against cavalry, archers against infantry, skirms against archers, etc. Is this the case for civ3? If so, is there a place on this website or somewhere else where I can find unit counters?
    "I swear by my life and by my love for it that I will never live for the sake of another person, nor will I ask another person to live for mine."

    ---Ayn Rand

  • #2

    why did you open that silly OT thread?


    • #3
      riflemen are of little use in attacking. I use only one or two of them to protect my attacking units. cannon does not attack at all, only bombing, which is quite useless.
      so you have to change your attacking forces to 1 riflemen, 7 cavalry, and you will succeed


      • #4
        Thank you manstein...

        what silly OT thread?
        "I swear by my life and by my love for it that I will never live for the sake of another person, nor will I ask another person to live for mine."

        ---Ayn Rand


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dejango
            Thank you manstein...

            what silly OT thread?
            Sometimes ".." just says it all i guess


            • #7
              Ban him.


              • #8
                Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                Waikato University, Hamilton.


                • #9
                  hmm oh yea the ... thread was for me to test. I got the email, but when I clicked the link, it said I could post...and I hadn't entered the account key. So I tried to find a smaller, less used forum to test and see if something was wrong. sorry bout that
                  "I swear by my life and by my love for it that I will never live for the sake of another person, nor will I ask another person to live for mine."

                  ---Ayn Rand


                  • #10

                    and you thought the OT is a less used forum why? it is the one that is most frequently used of all


                    • #11
                      But don't worry, that can happen to everyone..

                      So as long as you're not a DL , I'll say Welcome on Board


                      • #12
                        hmm it was at the bottom lol so I figured.

                        DL? don't know what that is
                        "I swear by my life and by my love for it that I will never live for the sake of another person, nor will I ask another person to live for mine."

                        ---Ayn Rand


                        • #13
                          Yes you do Mr Zlatkin

                          oh, forums are sorted after... erm... nice style and that's it... the OT is at the bottom because you can't sort it into any kind of Civ-related stuff. people just talk about everything there.

                          If you look at the forums main page you will notice there are 2 numbers each next to the names of the sub-forums. those are posts made in the forums and threads opened. the OT has the highest figures, so there you go

