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Help Me!!!

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  • Help Me!!!

    WHen I advance to Medieval Age and i want to get gunpowder, i cant find ANY saltpeter. I dont even know how it looks like. Please tell me wtf is wrong!!! #$^@#%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Resources Are A *****!!!

  • #2
    It is quite possible there is (gasp) NO saltpeter in the area you owned or have explored! Saltpeter looks like a pile of table salt and is most commonly found in Deserts but (acc to the Civilopedia) also can be found in hills and glacier, although I have yet to prove this in the actual game!
    One OS to rule them all,
    One OS to find them,
    One OS to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by justjake73
      It is quite possible there is (gasp) NO saltpeter in the area you owned or have explored! Saltpeter looks like a pile of table salt and is most commonly found in Deserts but (acc to the Civilopedia) also can be found in hills and glacier, although I have yet to prove this in the actual game!
      I have seen it in Hills, never Tundra, but it usually turns up in the Desert like you said.


      • #4
        i have searched my whole world and yet no saltpeter my god can someone post a site with the picture on it????? with the next reply?
        Resources Are A *****!!!


        • #5
          Well I don't have the game right here but look around for a clump of white stuff in a Desert. It looks like a pile of white table salt, like I said. Right-click on it and it will say "Saltpeter" in the terrain description.
          One OS to rule them all,
          One OS to find them,
          One OS to bring them all
          and in the darkness bind them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by quicksilver417
            i have searched my whole world and yet no saltpeter my god can someone post a site with the picture on it????? with the next reply?
            Look in your Civilopedia, there's a picture of it right there. CTRL-C, look for Resources, then Strategic.


            • #7
              Do you HAVE gunpowder??? You actually need to have the TECH BEFORE the resource is revealed. I do not mean to sound condescending, but your first post is a tad vague.
              One OS to rule them all,
              One OS to find them,
              One OS to bring them all
              and in the darkness bind them.


              • #8
                so yure saying that if u explored an area before then over time a resource could develop dere?
                Resources Are A *****!!!


                • #9
                  No, resources are already in the map matrix when it generates (I think...) Once you actually have the tech discovered, THEN the resource is revealed.

                  Do you have Iron?

                  Could you see Iron before you disc Iron Working? No, right?

                  Obviously if you still have large areas of the map unexplored and black, you would not know if that area was water, hills, plains, desert, whatever. Explored areas that are unlit (out of your Sight Radius) still shows if a Hill has Coal or Horses or whatever. You know it's there, but until you have a Colony or City and it's connected to your network, that resource is unusable to you.

                  How much black /unexplored areas are on your map?
                  One OS to rule them all,
                  One OS to find them,
                  One OS to bring them all
                  and in the darkness bind them.


                  • #10
                    No, Strategic Resources are invisible until you develop the right tech (e.g. Wheel for horses, Iron working for Iron, Fission for Uranium, etc), but when you discover the tech, you can see the resources. Otherwise it doesn't matter how hard you look, you won't find it. So in this case, if you don't have Gunpowder, then you won't find any Saltpeter.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by justjake73
                      No, resources are already in the map matrix when it generates (I think...) Once you actually have the tech discovered, THEN the resource is revealed.
                      You're right. A couple of times I started the same map over again from the start, and the resources were in the exact same spot each time.


                      • #12
                        thx 4 hellpin me out guyz!!!!!!!!!!
                        Resources Are A *****!!!

