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  • Airlifts


    For some reason I can't seem to airlift leaders or settlers. This is especially irritating when waging war on a different continent.

    When leaders are generated there, you can't fly them home to complete a wonder. And when you raze the enemy cities you can't fly in new settlers to found new ones.

    Not the worlds biggest problem, but still a tad irritating.

    Armies can't be airlifted either, but that at least makes some kind of sense (that would be like moving 4 units instead of one) - but settlers and leaders should be "airliftable".

    Since the game is incredibly stable (it has never crashed - which is unbelievable) maybe a small problem like this could be fixed in the next patch?


  • #2
    Workers can't be airlifted either. On my last game, I was taking care of the Zulu on the other large continent. I razed their cities and built my own on the site, greatly reducing defection. However, this was late-game, so their cities were metropolises. When you raze a city, it generates workers based on the pop of the city, so I ended up with a TON of zulu workers. Had to wait on a transport to ship them back home.

    Again, not a big deal, but still annoying.

