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The Temple Way of Selecting Starting Conditions

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  • The Temple Way of Selecting Starting Conditions

    Sorry if the title confused you, since this post has nothing to do with temples

    I've read in a number of posts people saying how they prefer to start with this civ or that map config or a certain barbarian setting. I really want to enjoy all the aspects of Civ3, and I want each game to be a bit of a surprise, so here's The Temple Way of starting a new game of Civ3:

    World size is either standard or large. Huge is, well, too big and Tiny and Small are too, ah, small.

    Land Mass+Water, Climate, Age, Temperature and Barbarians should all be set to Random. Who do you think you are, Nostradamus?

    For my civ, I am playing each one in the order presented on the screen. Once I reach the end of the list, then start again. Go ahead guys, admit that you always, secretly, wanted to be Joan of Arc

    I use all the opponent civ slots the world size allows, and (I bet you guessed this by now) they are all set to random (it would be great if "No Civ" was a possible random outcome). All victory condition options are selected, and Civ-Specific Abilities are enabled. Difficulty setting is up to you (don't wimp out!).

    Now start your game. You know your own starting civ, and the world size, but that's about it. Is the first barbarian you come across just a loner, or are you going to get trampled by raging hordes? How big is the continent I started on? Is it even a continent?. Then go start meeting your neighbors (Oops, look! My two continent mates are Germany and Zululand! Getting who's going to be someone's first conquest!).

    Have fun!

  • #2
    Go ahead guys, admit that you always, secretly, wanted to be Joan of Arc
    Err, no, I've never wanted to be Joan D'Arc. I have WANTED her though.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      Most people do this. Or at least I do.

      Edit - I may not try every Civ but all of my maps are random. I like the unknown.
      Last edited by kmill25; January 9, 2002, 16:40.


      • #4
        I do it a bit differently.

        I definitely have "favorite" civs, but I have been forcing myself to try each one. There are still a few I have never played (Zulu, American, English, Chinese, Aztecs, Romans). Favorites are the Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians and Iroquois. Cultural grouping start positions are off (since shortly after I got the patch) - so I don't always pop up next to the same neighbors.

        I generally play on Normal size maps, Continents, normal or large land mass, roaming barbs, normal temp, normal wetness, and you guessed it, 4 billion years.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

