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News about add-on

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  • News about add-on

    I read on All Civ that they heard from Civ Fanatics about an add-on for Civ3. I don't know but it kind of makes me wonder why they didn't add multiplayer and the rest they want to add in a early add-on during patches. It's like a cruel joke, ouch...

    I wonder if the add-on will have the ability to make scenarios!

  • #2
    I am one of the people that like civ 3, but I am very skeptical of the add-on. It better one HELL of an add-on on top of it having a full editor and MP, or Firaxis and Sid will lose a whole lot of respect from myself and likely many others.

    I still have faith in Civ 3 because its fun as it is and Firaxis seems reasonably dedicated to fixing what is wrong and incomplete with FREE patches, as they are obligated to do so.
    I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

    I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Green Giant
      I am one of the people that like civ 3, but I am very skeptical of the add-on. It better one HELL of an add-on on top of it having a full editor and MP, or Firaxis and Sid will lose a whole lot of respect from myself and likely many others.

      I still have faith in Civ 3 because its fun as it is and Firaxis seems reasonably dedicated to fixing what is wrong and incomplete with FREE patches, as they are obligated to do so.
      You are right, but whatever Firaxis does, it loses out. On one hand, it can ignore my fellow Apolytonians and I, and simple patch the bugs, and in about a years time release an add-on and expect us to pay money for it. However this won't sell, as all those who are really likely to buy it are so disillusioned with Civ3. Thus this would be a flop.
      They can give us what we want, and we will go on saying Civ3 was released Beta, but also start uninstalling Civ2, and actually multiplaying and scenario creating. The company keeps it's reputation, but earns no money.

      Either way Firaxis is unlikely to make a great deal of profit, as it missed out on the most important factors of gameplay, customisation and multiplayer. If they release these to program sectors they will recieve less bother about the usless AI, and can possibly create and sell worthwhile scenarios and add-ons at a latter date.

      So if Firaxis has some half completed features lying around, if it is wise, it will get them up to scratch, give us what we want, and eventually possibly earn money. It will definately get rid of the negative publicity we are creating!

      BTW, where there so many problems getting SMAC up to scratch?
      Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
      Waikato University, Hamilton.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Grrr

        You are right, but whatever Firaxis does, it loses out. On one hand, it can ignore my fellow Apolytonians and I, and simple patch the bugs, and in about a years time release an add-on and expect us to pay money for it. However this won't sell, as all those who are really likely to buy it are so disillusioned with Civ3. Thus this would be a flop.
        They can give us what we want, and we will go on saying Civ3 was released Beta, but also start uninstalling Civ2, and actually multiplaying and scenario creating. The company keeps it's reputation, but earns no money.

        Either way Firaxis is unlikely to make a great deal of profit, as it missed out on the most important factors of gameplay, customisation and multiplayer. If they release these to program sectors they will recieve less bother about the usless AI, and can possibly create and sell worthwhile scenarios and add-ons at a latter date.

        So if Firaxis has some half completed features lying around, if it is wise, it will get them up to scratch, give us what we want, and eventually possibly earn money. It will definately get rid of the negative publicity we are creating!

        BTW, where there so many problems getting SMAC up to scratch?
        There is one big difference, though : if Firaxis just launch an add-on including what should have been in the game in the first place (which I personnally doubt, as I have the feeling that they are actually working on a hell of a big patch), they will simply lose all what is left of their credibility, and hence a big bunch of customers for their future games.
        By making free patches, they will not gain money in the short term, but they could regain most of the lost faith provided the patchs are good enough, and then keep customers for their future products.
        Perhaps that they won't gain money right now by patching, but well they somewhat screwed it up by releasing Civ3 too soon (I know that it's probably Infogrammes fault) and you always have to cope with errors before being able to reap profit.
        Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Grrr

          However this won't sell, as all those who are really likely to buy it are so disillusioned with Civ3.



