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  • Palindromes

    Rise to vote sir.

    Have anyone made up any civ-related palindromes?
    Just walk away.

  • #2
    i take it you watched the simpsons last night, hippo?

    post ++, before this gets moved


    • #3
      "Smart regal rajahs, as a stalwart stressed at Radnor, in Wales, order a dismal celt to belt signora's animals, not a benign exile hero, nor pagan ayahs. Evil, one parish rapscallion at a fracas may rip at all, or rob at a party; raid a yard, stab, revile, or snipe nine Italians. Bad, sleek Cossacks amass at last, lob a bomb, attack a yak, mar pagodas, loot tenners, revel, debate rebate, jeer, upset a gang. Isadora drank nips at a bard, stuns Mary. Ella snoops; Amos too; Stella sung a dirge. On a canal, pallid niggards yell. Upstart enfeebled Omaha fools gab, gulp, snub, rebut, as liars leer sneer, gnaw, sniff. Upset, a deuce cad at Lima was. A snug smug waster frets. In a cabin, as Enid, rash, saw red, damn it Anita seems set on murders - but - examined, you bet all agreed stoor Keele, Belgrade, Cebu, Tarifa, snob nobs; big Slade men in Salta, Ragusa, Bute, Kansas, Prah; so many dim (alas, gone gaga) Rio, Crewe, Elba, Cannes, Topeka, Crete mates, Sir, assume Pamela-Anne is not to collect, nor fit to pillage kip, rone, vane, tags, tips, a plate, vodka, etna, velures, rohan, warp, a cang, ocelots, aster, fez; nor beer, trona, ether, a cape, savontettes, sack, rabot, tomboc, rotella, wax, oxo, fragaria, tug-tackle, a rare medoc, cab, otter, a batten, gardenia, c0ck, lisle, epee, potato, bass, some nitre, wolf, red lead, napery, tenon, a few eyas, tom-tom, a pome, parget, a bar, cage, pedal, bay, vines, ten egrets, yo-yo, soda; no bracelets, no mongrel, brawn, ray, nor tank, sump, mall, ramrod, ribes, rupee, taro, anna, cone, carbon, sard, a mare; nor knot, nor felt, tack, citrons, lioness, a burnet, talma, cleeks, wahoo, tupelo, pyrola, auk, stob, latakia, hog, a key, defl, fawn, a groat, corks, uta, a para, coot, tyups, duster, rutela, panada, a turf, fur, anil, oak, rattan, a pane, ham, a desk, cots, rep, a taw, a camera, rasp, mats, spools, ten rugs, ten games, a cask, cups, peta, lyre, beet, test-tube, borax, oboe, mace, buck, cos, a gem, tuna, any metals, a pink, cola, pollock, card, a last, lame, kale, perch, sal, a hare, game, opal, wallaby, olla, spacer, bassets, a plaid, drab, a tayo, two togas, passports, sage, cider, cans, taps, snips, gum, nettle, pipe, keg, dulse, pastel, macle, macaroni, boron, Bible, balm, rocaille, macon, lias, gull, arums, dope, civet, argon, some mya, jam, upas, pansy, lilac, lath, crib, roselite, no hats, opah, sura, rial, geode; no roset, or sten, no belt, tiller, rosette, press, no melons, no gat, cote, llama, balsam, lemur, dissal, no bees, Roman ode, risotto, lace, raggee; not a towel, capa, stone, dops, wad, a tract, rope, cigars, gold, rock, lime, tape, tar, tinsel, baths, a topsail, haddock, cod, dahlias, potash, tables, nitrate, pate, milk, cord, logs, rag, ice, port, cart, a daw, a spode; not sap, a clew, or tat, one egg, areca, lotot, siredon, a morese, ebon, lasso, drum, elm, a slab, a mallet, octagons, no lemons, serpette, sorrel, little bonnets, rotes, or one doe, glair, a rush, a post, a hone, tiles, or birch, talc, a lily, snaps, a puma, jay, memos, no grate, vice, pods, mural, lugsail, no camellia, corm, label, bib, nor obi, nor a camel, camlets, ape, sludge, kepi, pelt, ten mugs, pins, spats, nacre, dice, gas, strops, sapsago, tow, toy, a tabard, dial, pastes, sabre, caps, alloy, ball, awl, a powem, a gerah, a lash, crepe, lake, malt, salad, rack, collop, a lock, nipa, slate, myna, a nutmeg, a sock, cube, cameo, box, a robe, butt, settee, beryl, steps, pucks, a case, magnets, gurnets, loops, stamps, a rare macaw, a taper, stocks, edam, a hen, a pan, attar, kaolin, a ruff, ruta, a dan, a pale, turret, suds, puttoo, carapa, a tusk, rocta, organ, waffle, dye, kago, haik, a talbot, skua, a lory, pole, putoo, haws, keel, cam, latten, rubasse, noils; nor tick, cattle, fronton, kroner, a madras, no brace, no canna, or a tee, pursue, bird or marl, lamp, musk, natron, yarn, warbler, gnomon, stele, carbonado, soy, oyster, genet, sen, ivy, a blade, peg, a crab, a teg, rape, mop, a mot-mot, say, ewe, fan, one tyre, panda, elder-flower, tine, moss, sabot, a topee, peel, silk, c0caine, dragnet, tabaret, tobacco, demerara, elk, catgut, air, a gar, fox, ox, a wallet, or cob, motto, bark, cassette; no vase, paca, reh, tea; nor tree, bronze, frets, a stole, cognac, a prawn, a horse, rule, van, teak, dove, talpa, spits, gate, nave; nor pike, gallipot, ti, front, cello, cotton, sienna, ale, map, emus, saris, seta, meter, cake, pot, senna, cable, ewer, coir, a gage, nog, salami, dynamos, harps, a snake, tuba, sugar, atlas, nine medals, gibs, bonbons, a fir, a tube, cedar, glebe, leek, roots, deer, gallate, buoy, denim, axe, tubs, red rum, notes, smee, satin, a tin, madder, wash, sardines, a nib, a canister, fretsaw, gums, guns, a saw, a milt, a dace, cue, dates, puffin, swan, greens, reels, rails, a tuber, buns, plug, bags, loofah, a model, beef, net, rats, pulleys, drag, gin, dill, a plan, a canoe, grid, a gnu, sallet, soot, soma, spoons, alley, rams, nuts, rabat, asp, ink, nard, a rod, a sign, agates, puree, jet, a beret, a bed, levers, rennet, tools, a dog, a pram, kayak, cat, tab, mob, a bolt, salt, ass, a mask, cassock, eels, dabs, nail, a tie, ninepins, roe, liver, bats, dray, a diary, trap, a tabor, roll, a tapir, yams, a car, fat, an oil, lax, spar, hair, a pen, olives, hay, a nag, apron, ore, helix, engine, batons, lamina, sarong, istle, bottle, clam, sida, red rose, lawn, iron, dart, a dessert, straw, lats, a sash, a jar, lager, trams." — Desmond Grant

      Extra credit to those who can find how the censor was accomodated.
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


      • #4

        A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama.




        • #5
          Half credit.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


          • #6
            cock dick fuck bitch, and I hope you ARE on about how t ocircumvent the censor, otherwise I should just have upset several conservative people

            Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie.



            palindrome - emordnilap


            • #7
              Err, he said :accommodated", not "circumvented".

              Tell me what it's like to be censored, censured and impeached.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ecthelion
                cock dick fuck bitch, and I hope you ARE on about how [to circumvent] the censor, otherwise I should just have upset several conservative people
                I am now, thanks. Oh, Shaggy?!
                "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                • #9
                  Well, I still don't see the difference.. He did give that guy half credit when he said c0ck, so why no full extra credit to someone who knows how to spell it properly


                  • #10
                    Well, it's a palindrome. He has to find offsetting element.
                    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                    • #11
                      silk, c0caine

