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Can´t take cities on another continent by culture!

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  • Can´t take cities on another continent by culture!

    Hi folks!

    Well, I have been on here before about cities on other continents and my opinion that it is completely crap that you never get more than one shield production.

    Anyway, I have learned to live with this but have another problem. I can´t take cities on other continents with culture!

    My game is 16 civs on a huge world. I was on the one of three large islands. I have eliminated the 4 civs that were with me on my island and am now really expanding on the other two as a result of wars leaving gaps. I am way ahead in culture and so my cities are growing nicely and making the other civs cities into little islands! but however small their cultural influence gets they wont defect to me!

    This seems odd considering that my influence keeps expanding. Any ideas? I have heard that distance from capitol may be responsible but has anybody got a city through culture on another continent at all?



  • #2
    I've had it happen, but admittedly it's somewhat rare. Remember that the biggest component to defections seems to be proximity to the capitols (yours and his). If his is closer, even if you have a massive cultural lead, odds are that you'll never capture his cities (this insulates small, tightly compacted empires from getting almost entirely eaten, which, IMO, is a good thing).

    The one game I've had it happen, I was on a mid sized continent (not alone, but controlling the lion's share of it).

    The greeks had a long, skinny island south of me, with their capitol on the southermost tip. The northernmost greek cities were closer to my capitol than they were to the greek cap., and one of them wound up shifting to my control three times during the course of the game. (culture capture, americans took it from me. culture captured it back, greeks took it from me, culture captured it back again).

    So....rare, but possible.

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    • #3
      It Happens

      In my last game, I was a culture king. I was playing HUGE map with 16 civs, on my continent there were 8 of us, I with lions share (maybe 45% of the continent) playing as French, with Babs to SE, Americans to SW and Chinese to North.

      Any way I manage to first settle an island big enough for only 6 cities the the east of our continent. Only managed to get two cities built on the island due to slow production (corruption was terrible as I was quite a ways from my capital). The Chinese managed to build 2 cities on the island with me and the Babs also got 2 cities built.

      Long story short, I took all 4 of the other cities by culture. Scariest part was that Babs capital was closer to the island than mine was, and had decent culture. At least the cities I kept taking on the mainland kept reverting...after 20-30 was a very wierd game when it came to culture, but I did take cities by culture off of my continent...


      • #4
        I got it to happen last night. Make sure all your cities on the other continent are linked to your trade network. That is, make sure that at least one city has an airport or harbor. Then make sure all your cities have roads or rails to the airport or harbor city. I also helps, I think, to keep them relatively close together. Rush build temples, libraries, universities, and other high culture improvements.

        I was the Russians and I dominated the main continent (not completely, but the only other civ had two cities). I sent two settlers to the other main continent and founded two cities. One was on the coast surrounded by mountains, but I was mainly interested in being on the coast. The second city was further inland and near some luxuries, which is why I sent the settlers in the first place. I rush built a harbor in the coastal city and a temple in both. Then I built roads and rails and improved all my available land. In about 10 or so rounds my culture expanded and I improved everything that I could. In another 10 or so rounds a nearby rival city defected to my civ. Of course I did have a HUGE cultural edge (I ended up winning a cultural victory).
        Wipe them out, all of them. - Darth Insidious


        • #5
          Never had it happen for me, but I've had it happen TO me. I was playing a Standard size game and had secured my continent by wiping out the Japanese. Before my culture could expand to fill all the gaps, the Germans founded three tiny cities on the edges. Two of them were close together and somewhat nearby one of my larger cities. The German capital was literally on the opposite side of the world and my capital was about 15 squares away. My city had a population of 9, a level 3 culture, was very happy, and was composed entirely of my own citizens. All of a sudden, that city defected and joined the Germans, whose adjacent cities were 2 and 3 pop respectively and had level one and two cultures respectively.

          It was absolutely ridiculous, this was a city I founded myself (not a Japanese captured city) and it was MUCH more powerful than the two nearby. The loss of this city severed my continent in two and severly disrupted trade. My military power was not sufficient to take on the Germans at the time and the loss of this city severely inhibited my overall growth. A played another two dozen turns and then gave up. Needless to say I was very frustrated with the game, fortunitely it's the only time I've ever seen something like that happen.

