So, I built a bunch of ICBM's while playing last night...
I actually got goosebumps thinking about using one.
I mean, the game was basically over. The only ones left standing were me (the Americans) and the English. I was on my way to winning the space race.
But, I mean, I had all these nukes... a ton of unused military hardware... a navy that was unbeatable... carriers loaded with F-15's. Who would stop me?
Why not?
So I launched one at London. And at York. And at Leeds. And so on. And so on.
Before I knew it, the whole of England was covered in radioactive orange goo (which, I though, matched their civ color nicely).
They're addictive. A dozen ICBM's can crush any opponent, rendering them almost completely unable to recover from the assault.
Of course, global warming is out of control, and the continent that was once England is now a useless, glowing ember on the horizon.
I actually got goosebumps thinking about using one.
I mean, the game was basically over. The only ones left standing were me (the Americans) and the English. I was on my way to winning the space race.
But, I mean, I had all these nukes... a ton of unused military hardware... a navy that was unbeatable... carriers loaded with F-15's. Who would stop me?
Why not?
So I launched one at London. And at York. And at Leeds. And so on. And so on.
Before I knew it, the whole of England was covered in radioactive orange goo (which, I though, matched their civ color nicely).
They're addictive. A dozen ICBM's can crush any opponent, rendering them almost completely unable to recover from the assault.
Of course, global warming is out of control, and the continent that was once England is now a useless, glowing ember on the horizon.