I've tried several tactics for getting gold semi early on in the game and never seem to generate much. One of the best tactics is to build mines, which works well, until your city expenditures exceed your income. By expenditures I mean regiments, roads, city improvements, etc. I can usually only keep around 400-500 gold until each turn starts to subtract say 15 or 16 gold and I am not generating any new revenue. Please help! I'm new to Civ 3 and any help is much appreciated!
Oh and one other thing is that for a city improvement, I've tried wealth which says it takes 1 turn, but really takes many more and have never noticed any results. What is the point of this and does it really work?
Oh and one other thing is that for a city improvement, I've tried wealth which says it takes 1 turn, but really takes many more and have never noticed any results. What is the point of this and does it really work?