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Fix for corruption?

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  • #46
    Venger -

    I guess I've never really tried to manage an empire that big. The games I have won by domination have been the result of huge attacks with massive gains in the space a few turns in the modern age, so I've never really tried to get those new cities productive. Since most massive expansion seems to take place in the Industrial and Modern ages, perhaps making corruption levels decrease upon achieving these ages would help.

    I'll go play a Huge map and get back to you on this. I should probably see how the game handles really huge empires before I commit myself too fully to a particular side of this argument.

    As for Domination being 'training wheels', I couldn't agree more. Both of my 'Domination' victories have been less than half a dozen turns away from a Conquest victory. It annoyed me so much that I now have Domination turned off... not because it's not achievable, but because Domination pretty much prevents achiving a Conquest victory... which I find much more satisfying.


    • #47
      Originally posted by TinCow
      Venger -
      I now have Domination turned off... not because it's not achievable, but because Domination pretty much prevents achiving a Conquest victory... which I find much more satisfying.
      well, same most happens with victory by culture. I have turned off both, Domination and Culture, as both will come so early that an other strategic way isn't possible.

      On small maps it may work fine, but on huge maps I got the victory already before I contacted all of the other 15 civs!
      If I compared then how the relation is to the other, then in (i.e.) Power I only had 25% or less of all. No reason to say something about a victory.
      (ok, if I don't build university and church allover and accept to loose my outside cities, then I may not win so, but as soon as I build some cultural buildings faster/more than the opponents around me, I get that victory.)
      http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German

