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Fix for corruption?

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  • #16
    I started a thread on this some time ago, because I thought it ruined the game for me. I discovered a simple fix that has been working fine for me as I'm slogging through Marla's Huge earth map. All you have to do is go into the editor, edit the rules for the difficulty level you want to play, and bump up the % of optimal cities to what you want it to be. If optimal cities are 25 on a certain size map, and you make the % of optimal cities 1000%, you can have 250 cities in your empire before this rediculous kind of corruption even starts. With a high percentage I found it eases in slowly also, instead of *bang* all cities make 1 shield. Also, in my experience, no city improvements combat this type of corruption, before I made this tweak I added banks and barracks as corruption fighters, but they did nothing. Some corruption I think is good for the game balance, you will still have corruption in far flung cities, but this CAN be reduced by courthouses, etc. In my games I flag banks as reducing corruption also. Hope this helps.


    • #17
      Originally posted by habadacus
      I started a thread on this some time ago, because I thought it ruined the game for me. I discovered a simple fix that has been working fine for me as I'm slogging through Marla's Huge earth map. All you have to do is go into the editor, edit the rules for the difficulty level you want to play, and bump up the % of optimal cities to what you want it to be. If optimal cities are 25 on a certain size map, and you make the % of optimal cities 1000%, you can have 250 cities in your empire before this rediculous kind of corruption even starts. With a high percentage I found it eases in slowly also, instead of *bang* all cities make 1 shield. Also, in my experience, no city improvements combat this type of corruption, before I made this tweak I added banks and barracks as corruption fighters, but they did nothing. Some corruption I think is good for the game balance, you will still have corruption in far flung cities, but this CAN be reduced by courthouses, etc. In my games I flag banks as reducing corruption also. Hope this helps.
      I also have tweaked those "optimal cities for corruption" by multiplying them by ten for each map size. That way I do have a corruption problem but now I can do something about it (by building courthouses and police stations). I haven't given any other buildings "reduce corruption" feature as those two buildings are good enough for me.

      I do this because I strongly believe that this your amount of cities > "optimal amount of cities" corruption feature must be broken. Build one more city and suddenly a lot of cities start producing one shield and one commerce and rushbuilding corruption reduction buildings doesn't help really help. Unrealistic and certainly not fun. I also hate the ridiculous idea of razing all conquered cities just to counter this corruption bug (design flaw if you want). Just my opinion.


      • #18
        The optimum cities rule is maybe not a design flaw but the limit is definitely too low. But if you set the number too high, you can never (or very late) build the forbidden palace and that would be a shame as well wouldn't it . I multiplied optimum cities by three for each mapsize and got very nice results with it .. you can really expand now but still build the forbidden palace after a time.

        When your empire really gets big it starts to hurt but thats ok, nobody said managing a world spanning empire should be easy ... but you are no longer hampered in expanding beyond your first area.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Prlwofsky
          The optimum cities rule is maybe not a design flaw but the limit is definitely too low. But if you set the number too high, you can never (or very late) build the forbidden palace and that would be a shame as well wouldn't it
          not true, you can set the city amout hig and still build the FP when made 8 cities.

          The mainproblem is, that all settings you can made (or buildings) don't effect the corruption-by-distance-factor well. So on huge maps no single and easy solution is possible. Tried within the past 2 weeks all alternates.

          But I made a complete solution to the corruption problem, and I think its well balanced and works

          Download this
          Last edited by Dreifels; January 5, 2002, 23:54.
          http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


          • #20
            I would like to see something more done to combat the corruption in the game too. I was thinking that there should be an improvement called Provincial or Regional Capital, that should become available after the Forbidden Palace is built. The Regional Capitals should be expensive, cost 30 and have a smaller radius of effect than either of the palaces, something like 1/2. If you also linked the number of Capitals available to the number of cities, ie one for every 8 (or 10) cities, then with some careful planning you would be able to control corruption a whole lot better.
            To me only two admin centers is ridiculous, especially on the larger maps. The Romans and all other Empires had regional admin so why limit it to two here. This way islands would be able to become productive and if you invade a continent after the Forbidden Palace is built then the new continent with time and money could still become something other than a total drain on the treasury. At the moment the only reason that I keep any cities that I conquer on islands or continents other than the one I started on is to deny the territory to the AI. Razing all of those cities would just incite all the other AI Civs that I am not attacking to start another settler rush and then I would have to do it all over again.
            I like the idea of corruption and think that it should be difficult to combat but I think that there needs to be more effective ways in which to do it. The reduces corruption flag is just not powerful enough, and as the palace effects don't span water, cities close to your palaces are affected much worse than they should be according to distance. If the effect was graded according to improvements in the city that would work better. No effect without harbor, 1/2 effect with harbor and full effect with airport. These would model an islands remoteness and governing difficulty but eventually as travel and communication improved the difficulties would lessen and so too would the corruption. Some of the Techs should also have inherent corruption fighting properties. Printing Press, for such a powerful discovery as it was, is nearly totally useless except to get to Democracy. Printing Press and Radio are two techs that are prime to have a corruption reducing effect, nobody wants their name smeared in the papers or on the air, plus the increase in distribution of information and rise in education that each of these bring are natural corruption fighters.
            And lastly corruption under Democracy is way too high. None of the Developed Democracies on the planet today have any of their cities running at nearly 100% corruption of either production or income let alone both.
            The only notes that matter come in wads - The Sex Pistols


            • #21
              Originally posted by Quokka
              I would like to see something more done to combat the corruption in the game too. I was thinking that there should be an improvement called Provincial or Regional Capital, that should become available after the Forbidden Palace is built. The Regional Capitals should be expensive, cost 30 and have a smaller radius of effect than either of the palaces, something like 1/2. [...]
              Download my solution. I created (together with some other modifications I made) 5 additional FPs as Regional Palaces, with different requirements, but I set their culture to 0 and the building costs low but the maintenance highter (same I did for the police).
              It will not work if you increase the building costs similar to the Forbidden Palast, not even if you take the same (tested all ways within the past 2 weeks to find a way how to play with huge maps without space racing).

              As you normal will build they additional FPs more far away from the next Palace, as you later in the game have settlements over the world, then the FP already is up to 200 turns building time (if a turn = 5 years, that's 1000 years!!!!!) by distance factor.
              To drop the corruption-by-distance factor you have to combine several points. Otherwise you always get 95% of all shields wasted, independent if you build court and police or make other changes in the settings.

              The idea of corruption is fine, but HOW they integrate it, a big bug is.
              http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


              • #22
                all these regonal offices are a good idea, but with one shield per turn the'd take to long to build. the anti-corruption things should be built in your capital, like a senate office or something

                for ne1 who's played ctp2 you'd know they don't have corruption, but it lowers happiness if your farther from the capital. its calculated by movment points.
                the more movement points it takes to get from the city to the capital, the more corruption. Hence, roads would lower coruption.
                of course, harbors and airports would reduce movement points.
                i would like to see that in a patch


                • #23
                  Originally posted by zorbop
                  all these regonal offices are a good idea, but with one shield per turn the'd take to long to build. the anti-corruption things should be built in your capital, like a senate office or something
                  general you're right, but such solution isn't possible now. But I set the costs to 5, and so you can build it within 20 turns, and suchis ok, I think.
                  http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                  • #24
                    I think their should be an extra building type such as 'provincial government' or 'regional government' or 'county council' or something. Basically for every n cities you can build another one. Next make it so you can build your forbidden palace when you have i 'regional governemnts'

                    This way you start off with you palace, build say 8 cities then build a regional government on your frontier. And continue to expand. After another 8 cities you can build another regional government. Regional governments should act like forbidden palaces execept instead of being small wonders they are just buildings so can be sold if you decide you wish to relocate it. Also they would have a sphere of influence half the size of fp's and do slightly less to reduce corruption.

                    Eventually when you have say five or six regional governemts you can build a forbidden palace.

                    Using this method you could expand accross the globe, slowed by the production time for regional governement and instead of ending up with your forbidden palace right next to your palace you will have a large empire by the time you buld it and so it wont be right next to your palace, elimnating the need to ever move it or your palace.

                    the number of cites (n) per regional gov. and number of regional gov.'s (i) per forbbiden palace would depend upon world size.

                    What do you think?

                    Anyone know if this could be done with the editor?


                    • #25
                      This is the best fix for corruption. Just hit the button...
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by eyes
                        I think their should be an extra building type such as 'provincial government' or 'regional government' or 'county council' or something.
                        That isn't possible.

                        Eventually when you have say five or six regional governemts you can build a forbidden palace.
                        Makes no sense. What a FP gives, except reducing the corrultion? 2 culture points only, that's all.

                        the number of cites (n) per regional gov. and number of regional gov.'s (i) per forbbiden palace would depend upon world size.
                        Would be als a solution. But impossible now.

                        Anyone know if this could be done with the editor?
                        No. Such you can't make by editor.
                        I tested 2 weeks what is possible and what the results are and the balance.
                        The best possible result I found I published yesterday in my mod. Read the explanations there what I changed and why.

                        http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                        • #27
                          On a wide tangential train of thought.

                          I really like the culture thing. I was wondering shouldn't there be a law thing which works in a similar way. ie Certain buildings generate Law. These extend the frontiers of efficiency over time. Its a slow process. Citys far from the capital are at the frontier. Its lawless. They build courthouses, police stations. As a result corruption becomes less overtime.

                          Culture still determines the political borders of the state. But law determines the internal borders of the state.

                          The buildings would be courthouse, policestation, barracks and palace + some wonders. Using this model cities still far away from either forbidden palace or palace would have corruption but over time this would drop to a lower extent if some buildings were constructed.


                          • #28
                            The best fix for corruption is to keep your civ to a reasonable size. You're not supposed to be able to "expand across the globe", that's the whole idea.
                            Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                            • #29
                              If the whole point is to stop you from expanding accross the globe it's a stupid point.

                              I'm a veteran of first civ on the amiga then on the pc then civ 2 and as far as I'm concerned the best bit of the game is gradually conquering the planet.

                              The way the other civs fill up land in this is great and could make for some excellent wars, but there's no point as it is because of corruption.


                              The point of only being allowed to build a fp once you had several regional governments would be that it would have a larger effect and double up with the smalller effect of regional govs. You could have to main sphere's - one from the palace and one from the fp and for every say five or six cities you could also have a regional gov providing a small sphere of corruption reduction - either within the spheres of influence of you palace and fp or outside, perhaps on seperate islands.

                              Why can it not be done in the editor? If it really can't they should make patch to seriously reduce corruption.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ironikinit
                                The best fix for corruption is to keep your civ to a reasonable size. You're not supposed to be able to "expand across the globe", that's the whole idea.
                                stupid, sorry.
                                http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German

