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Fix for corruption?

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  • Fix for corruption?

    Fix for corruption:

    First, let me say that I like corruption as a game concept. Unfortunately, Firaxis went a little overboard. I think it would be easy to fix, though.

    1. Corruption should primarily effect money, not shields. Most city improvements are local in nature and do not require control from the Capital. Towns should certainly still be able to build their own temples and marketplaces. If this change were made, then the game would become instantly more balanced.

    2. You should be able to move your Forbidden Palace, just like the Palace.

    3. Introduce a second small wonder, such as Colonial Palace, which works much like the Forbidden Palace.

  • #2

    I agree
    Just walk away.


    • #3
      Good ideas. Best of luck in your pursuit to be heard.
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


      • #4
        I understand that corruption is a pain in the ass, but that's kinda the point, no?

        I think the purpose of corruption is to limit the power of HUGE empires, so they are not quite so overbearing as they were in the past games (i.e. getting techs at a rate of 2 turns each).

        If you have a large and rich enough empire, you may 'buy' the happiness improvenments you need.

        Besides, I like the idea that taking a huge developed size 19 city on the other side of the planet will actually cost me money to maintain.
        Obsessed with reality... and what she can DO for me.


        • #5
          To move your forbidden palace, couldn't you sell it then rebuild it somewhere else?

          I have never attempted this so maybe it isn't possible...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dr Spin
            I understand that corruption is a pain in the ass, but that's kinda the point, no?

            I think the purpose of corruption is to limit the power of HUGE empires, so they are not quite so overbearing as they were in the past games (i.e. getting techs at a rate of 2 turns each).

            If you have a large and rich enough empire, you may 'buy' the happiness improvenments you need.

            Besides, I like the idea that taking a huge developed size 19 city on the other side of the planet will actually cost me money to maintain.
            Regarding the 2 turns/tech: There's a limit of 4 turns/tech, so that's no argument.

            I agree that there should be corruption... but losing 19 out of 20 shields to corruption, or 7 out of 8 or 29 out of 30 is plain good old silly. Once you're over a certain limit, you lose all but one shield to corruption, no matter what.

            But it's easy to fix. Just enter the editor and edit some more buildings to reduce corruption, like marketplace, bank or whatever you like.



            • #7

              I think they should have some type of cap on it. So if you have a courthouse, temple, market, etc the town should be at least 50% productive. It has gotten so bad that I just war on other continents and raze the towns push the aggressor till he gives up all his knowledge to have peace again.


              • #8
                actually, i agree completely... corruption should impact the money/science you collect from the cities, not how quickly you can build a factory there...


                • #9
                  More isn't always better. More palaces to artificially fix the thing isn't gonna make it with more sense. I think that if it's too high to be able to represent what it is supposed to represent, then it should be tweakened to aproach more the concept from which it emerges. There are many ways in reality to counter the problems that a huge territory implies. Repression, ridding off of the one that cause the problem (silence them, assimilate them, etc.), propaganda and surely others.
                  Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                  • #10
                    Corruption is cool under everything except for democracy. When you are a demo, there is no way that your cities on nearby islands should waste 99%, and that is with palace/forbidden nearby.

                    Like really, is Hawaii that corrupt cuz its so far from Washington? Get real.


                    • #11
                      More corruption than is in Washington itself can hardly be imagined.
                      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fredric Drum
                        I agree that there should be corruption... but losing 19 out of 20 shields to corruption, or 7 out of 8 or 29 out of 30 is plain good old silly. Once you're over a certain limit, you lose all but one shield to corruption, no matter what.

                        But it's easy to fix. Just enter the editor and edit some more buildings to reduce corruption, like marketplace, bank or whatever you like.
                        No, it's not to fix. The main corruption problems are 1) the distance factor and 2) the double of corruption when reaching the modern times by research.

                        If you play with a huge map (i.e. a map of terra) then there all cities with distance more than ~35 fields from the palace have 1 shield only independent what you build or set / modify in editor. All other shields are gone by corruption.
                        This means, is't impossible to play a huge map i.e. with America or a European race and settle then also in South America or Australia or far east.
                        And such the game makes boring very soon, as it makes no longer any sense to play such.

                        Just that distance point isn't able to correct with the editor.
                        http://AlphaCentauri.US/ in English and German


                        • #13
                          This means, is't impossible to play a huge map i.e. with America or a European race and settle then also in South America or Australia or far east.
                          And such the game makes boring very soon, as it makes no longer any sense to play such.
                          I completely agree. If any new city you make or take over will only produce one shield, then there is no motivation expand or to fight other civs; both of which are main aspect of an Civ game.

                          I think the purpose of corruption is to limit the power of HUGE empires, so they are not quite so overbearing as they were in the past games
                          You are right on the purpose of corruption. However in CivIII, instead of limiting the power of huge empire, it makes it ussless to have a huge empire. Maintaining a huge, efficient empire should be expensive but possible. Otherwise there is no reason to expand once you reach your palace's effective border. No reason to expand = no reason to keep playing


                          • #14
                            There is nothing wrong about corruption

                            There is high corruption because it is not supposed to be easy to conquer the world. No nation in the real world has ever conquered the world and thus no nation in the real world experiences such high corruption. Even the mighty Greek, Roman, Mongol empires occupy at the most 20% of the world's land area. Now compare that to your Civ empire. What percentage of the Civ world's land area does your civ occupy?
                            Also if your civ is the same size as real-life democratic America, you would find that corruption is not that bad (especially with a Forbidden Palace built).


                            • #15
                              What I'd like to see (in a patch) is to allow airports and harbors
                              to reduce corruption by reducing the effective distance
                              to the capitol. The way in a modern era, buidling airports in
                              the capitola nd in remote cites would make corruption manageable

