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20 turns..!

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  • 20 turns..!

    I haven't had any time to visit this board for some time now (you know, it's the busy Christmas time ), so I was just curious if there has been any words about the next patch (if there will ever be one more )?

    Actually there is one thing I'm very curious about, if they have fixed that; the "20 turns" bug? The bug were the AI ALWAYS cancel a agreement (like mutual protection or luxury against luxury) when the 20 turns have passed. I was just wondering if there had been any words about this bug?

    Anyway, I just had a look at the time, here in Denmark we have now Christmas (it's 12 minutes past midnight), so merry Christmas everyone
    This space is empty... or is it?

  • #2
    You celebrate Christmas on the 24th? Merry Christmas anyway. =)

    Edit: Just remembered...two days of Xmas?

    I also don't know anything about a patch for that. They've seemed to have made more problems with the latest patch, though. =P


    • #3
      Originally posted by Eroberer
      You celebrate Christmas on the 24th? Merry Christmas anyway. =)
      Yeah, in DK we do (The danes can't wait until the 25th to open the presents )
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        Yeah, Merry Christmas Everyone!
        Only 12 hours until I get my hands on that prosciutto!
        Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

        - Paul Valery


        • #5
          No such bug exists. I have had many agreements which the AI has not cancelled after 20 turns. The AI will only cancel after 20 turns if it thinks that it can get a better deal for it. So say you signed a MPP with a militarily stronger AI where you payed him 20 gold/turn, then 20 turns later you are stronger than him militarily, the AI will not cancel the agreement as it would probably lose the income or even have to pay you for the privelige.


          • #6
            What Bambul said is confirmed by me. Agreements that benefit the AI more will not be cancelled by them after 20 turns.

            And Merry Christmas ALL
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              I had an MPP last from the discovery of Gunpowder until 2050 AD. I was trading saltpeter for it, and the Russians didn't have another source. The AI puts an artificially high value on strategic resources, as they didn't cancel it even when it wasn't needed for any of the modern units.

