Was reading some of the threads here, and came across an interesting proposal....that if everyone at 'poly were to put their heads together and design a game, it'd be among the greatest, coolest games ever.
Read a counter-statement that said everybody would fight and complain endlessly, and that nothing would ever be firmly agreed upon, so nothing would ever really get accomplished.
Now, it's true that the folks actively participating in putting the Mod I'm proposing together only represent a fraction of the population here at 'poly, but I'm happy to announce that so far, we've had quite an easy time of it.
Sure, individuals have disagreed about some of the finer points along the way, but we're a team. We have a common, shared goal in mind. And we're working through it....getting closer every day.
So....if someone doesn't particularly like a proposal that's being given serious consideration, I invite that person to b*tch, complain, debate, argue, badger, and attempt to bribe me to change my mind to his/her way of thinking. Maybe it'll work....maybe not.
Win some.....lose some.
But....the key point is....everyone is heard. Everyone has an opportunity to add his or her voice to the tapestry that is the Mod itself.
So....you didn't get things your way in the combat section, but you were the one who got three really cool new units added. Stuff like that.
And the end result is something everybody is proud of.
All of that starts with Vision.
Everyone who has come to work with me on my site understands (er....at least I'm pretty sure they do....it's part of my job to see to it that they do anyway!) what it is I am trying to do with this Mod's proposal.
I feel as though I've done that, based on the kinds of feedback and continual flow of ideas we're getting over on the various mod threads on my website.
And because everybody understands what the vision of the thing is....because everybody has a good idea of what "look and feel" we're going for....it's coming together nicely. We've got some really great, original ideas in play....stuff I wouldn't have thought of in a million years if I'd been doing this solo....and the mod is far stronger....far BETTER for that.
I've been running my own website for just at two years now....a site that caters to artists of all kinds, and lemme tell you, that's a tough gig sometimes, cos artists can be difficult people sometimes. In groups, personality clashes are inevitable, and in fact, twice now, my little site has nearly been ripped apart by that very thing.
In the end though, cooler heads prevailed, and the place became stronger for it.
Creativity.....a very funny thing, actually.
You'd expect that it would be addative in its inherent nature, but it's not.....it's exponential.
Take two creative people and stick them together.
Sooner or later they'll start doing what they do best.
Creating....something. Anything.
And the fruits of their labor are *always* much more than the sum of their parts.
It's amazing to watch, and what makes running my little site so worthwhile.
This then, is an open invitation to anyone who stumbles across this little ramble.
Come....join me over at my site (we're working there so we don't jumble up 'polyton with a gazillion little threads). Feel free to gripe at me if you read something in our "What's in" list that you hate.
Feel free to try and change my mind.
Just don't stomp off in disgust if you don't succeed.
Sometimes, you will....
So....debate with us.
Help us make this the best civ-experience ever.
The-Mod-With-No-Name (yet)
Important stuff to know before you head that way!
1) Everyone is responsible for creating his/her own title! If you wanna be the Godzilla of Graphics...cool. It's all you. The Grand Maharaja of Beta Testing....go for it. Eventually, we're gonna put a photo album together of everyone who helps put this beast together, so come up with a good title to put under your name!
2) I'm not your typical "manager." I believe that debate, free flow of ideas and a fair amount of chaos is good for the soul, and I happily encourage all three, so if you're expecting a highly structured environment, you'll likely be disappointed. Vel No Like Too Much Structure!
3) The above should in no way be taken to mean that we're no organized. As with all Chaos....there's an almost spooky sense of order to it....if you look for patterns in the waves. Trust me, you get used to it after a while....
4) I'm not one to ride herd on anybody. If you volunteer to do something (say...an animation) and you say you'll have it done by the fifteenth. Cool. I'll look for it on the fifteenth.
What I won't do is ask you about it every hour of every day from the tenth UNTIL the fifteenth.
I hate it when people do that to me, and I'll not do it to anyone working with me.
If you can't get it done by then....say so.
Someone may jump in and do it for you, or maybe not.
5) The mod has no set deadline. It's finished when we're happy with it. When we, collectively feel that it does what we set out for it to do.
6) This does not mean we'll be foot dragging....it only means that I'm not *about* to set a firm date on the creative process. The Muse doesn't work that way....but if you have patience with us, I doubt you'll be disappointed....
Read a counter-statement that said everybody would fight and complain endlessly, and that nothing would ever be firmly agreed upon, so nothing would ever really get accomplished.
Now, it's true that the folks actively participating in putting the Mod I'm proposing together only represent a fraction of the population here at 'poly, but I'm happy to announce that so far, we've had quite an easy time of it.
Sure, individuals have disagreed about some of the finer points along the way, but we're a team. We have a common, shared goal in mind. And we're working through it....getting closer every day.
So....if someone doesn't particularly like a proposal that's being given serious consideration, I invite that person to b*tch, complain, debate, argue, badger, and attempt to bribe me to change my mind to his/her way of thinking. Maybe it'll work....maybe not.
Win some.....lose some.
But....the key point is....everyone is heard. Everyone has an opportunity to add his or her voice to the tapestry that is the Mod itself.
So....you didn't get things your way in the combat section, but you were the one who got three really cool new units added. Stuff like that.
And the end result is something everybody is proud of.
All of that starts with Vision.
Everyone who has come to work with me on my site understands (er....at least I'm pretty sure they do....it's part of my job to see to it that they do anyway!) what it is I am trying to do with this Mod's proposal.
I feel as though I've done that, based on the kinds of feedback and continual flow of ideas we're getting over on the various mod threads on my website.
And because everybody understands what the vision of the thing is....because everybody has a good idea of what "look and feel" we're going for....it's coming together nicely. We've got some really great, original ideas in play....stuff I wouldn't have thought of in a million years if I'd been doing this solo....and the mod is far stronger....far BETTER for that.
I've been running my own website for just at two years now....a site that caters to artists of all kinds, and lemme tell you, that's a tough gig sometimes, cos artists can be difficult people sometimes. In groups, personality clashes are inevitable, and in fact, twice now, my little site has nearly been ripped apart by that very thing.
In the end though, cooler heads prevailed, and the place became stronger for it.
Creativity.....a very funny thing, actually.
You'd expect that it would be addative in its inherent nature, but it's not.....it's exponential.
Take two creative people and stick them together.
Sooner or later they'll start doing what they do best.
Creating....something. Anything.
And the fruits of their labor are *always* much more than the sum of their parts.
It's amazing to watch, and what makes running my little site so worthwhile.
This then, is an open invitation to anyone who stumbles across this little ramble.
Come....join me over at my site (we're working there so we don't jumble up 'polyton with a gazillion little threads). Feel free to gripe at me if you read something in our "What's in" list that you hate.
Feel free to try and change my mind.
Just don't stomp off in disgust if you don't succeed.
Sometimes, you will....

So....debate with us.
Help us make this the best civ-experience ever.
The-Mod-With-No-Name (yet)
Important stuff to know before you head that way!
1) Everyone is responsible for creating his/her own title! If you wanna be the Godzilla of Graphics...cool. It's all you. The Grand Maharaja of Beta Testing....go for it. Eventually, we're gonna put a photo album together of everyone who helps put this beast together, so come up with a good title to put under your name!
2) I'm not your typical "manager." I believe that debate, free flow of ideas and a fair amount of chaos is good for the soul, and I happily encourage all three, so if you're expecting a highly structured environment, you'll likely be disappointed. Vel No Like Too Much Structure!
3) The above should in no way be taken to mean that we're no organized. As with all Chaos....there's an almost spooky sense of order to it....if you look for patterns in the waves. Trust me, you get used to it after a while....

4) I'm not one to ride herd on anybody. If you volunteer to do something (say...an animation) and you say you'll have it done by the fifteenth. Cool. I'll look for it on the fifteenth.
What I won't do is ask you about it every hour of every day from the tenth UNTIL the fifteenth.
I hate it when people do that to me, and I'll not do it to anyone working with me.
If you can't get it done by then....say so.
Someone may jump in and do it for you, or maybe not.
5) The mod has no set deadline. It's finished when we're happy with it. When we, collectively feel that it does what we set out for it to do.
6) This does not mean we'll be foot dragging....it only means that I'm not *about* to set a firm date on the creative process. The Muse doesn't work that way....but if you have patience with us, I doubt you'll be disappointed....
