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  • Nukes

    I could also go on and on about how they could be more realistically done(not in terms of destructive power, but with early warning, hardened targets requireing multiple strikes to be killed,having to choose all of your nuke launches ahead of time so you cant just plop more down if the first didnt give you the satisfactory result for that turn unless you targeted it with 4 strikes so as to make sdi more valueable since you couldnt tell which would get through,etc, though this might just be the wrong game for it, and more then alittle difficult to do) but they are fairly well done as it.

    I can only however find two uses for them in single player:Clearing out ai navies, and wrecking the planet.

    What the ai does with its navy is in essence a jaguar rush, it swarms you with so many crap units, that are none the less effective, that theres not much you can do, but you can do something. I saw 12 frigates rushing towards one of my cities(i normally keep a screen of battleships/destroyers around because this scares the ai away because it *thinks* it will lose) that was temporarily undefended. So you may think i was screwed, that all my hard work was done for(rrs/irrigation/mines/cities i mean),and you'd be wrong. I rush built a tactical nuclear weapon, and the next turn, 9 of the 12 frigates were gone, and the other 3 were so badly damaged that they had to limp home. I had to reload just to do it again(several times heh) , And i have to say, that in this instance at least, that nuke was well worth each of the 2400 gold i spent on it.

  • #2
    well their use is even more limited in the real world. of course they cannot make them realistic, so the civ3 solution is somewhere inbetween. you can wage nuclear war, but it really is the last resort and possibly self defence only.....


    • #3

      their use is limited by diplomatic reprecussions and the fear of M.A.D. if either the USSR under Stalin or Nazi Germany had of obtained a nuclear monopoly then the we would most likely would have seen widespread use of these weapons

      but it really is the last resort and possibly self defence only
      i disagree, if you were hanging by a thread the last thing in Civ3 you should build would be nukes, because they are overpriced and underpowered

      plus as long as you have some MPPs there is a pretty good chance those civs wont declare war on you for using nukes, so they are the ultimate seige buster and hardly a defensive weapon of last result

