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Cultural Reversion Question

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  • Cultural Reversion Question

    First off let me state that I am playing pre patch since the game will eventually crash on me with the patch, and yes this is with a modified rules set but i do not believe thats the cause(ive got a save but i dont know how to post stuff yet, though its only 146k in size with compression).

    Firaxians are probably the only ones who can answer this though its something to think about. I am beginning to suspect that what is happening in most instances is the ai successfully using propaganda missions via a spy, as opposed to just a screwed up culture engin, so heres the question: Is the player's democracy really immune to propaganda and what message do you get when a city has been the target of a successful propaganda mission?

    Heres some observations(no evidence sorry i saved over these):
    The game I am playing now my entire army has pounced on a city(or 2 or 3 that turn), pacified it, connected it to luxuries, made everyone happy in the city, rushed culture, moved on to take citys near it so there is no more culture,starved pop down, rinse repeated over and over until right now i have about 20 cities this way, so i doubt that these would revolt at this stage, and yet they are.

    What ever city I have 1 defender(same campaign city pacified and moved on), but a huge(15+) stack of artillery will revolt, reload, move in a couple more troops and it doesnt.

    in a campaign against the indians in this same save, i have a city that revolts, i move troops out of the city in a reload, and the city next to it(full of troops) revolts(which leads me to another pre patch bug, ais can conscript troops on your turn right after the city revolts). No action was taken to change the random seed. I do however find it odd that removing troops from a city would prevent it from revolting.

    In a different game, I was attacking the last english city on an island with 3 cities(of which i of course had 2). 1 of my cities had a harbor, and i had recently bombed his harbor to oblivion with my ironclad fleet. my city with a harbor revolts of course, reload, and without changing the seed, i sell the harbor, move troops out of the city,change all of the citizens to entertainers(had all 8 luxuries so they changed from happy ppl to specialists, and this was after resistance was crushed,etc), and the city does not revolt this time.I thought that since the missions were so expensive for me that it would be expensive for the ai(and i still do believe this). Ive never seen a spy planted before every civ was a democracy since by the time you can build the intelligence
    agency so neither I nor probably anyone knows what propaganda missions cost(since its impossible against the ai).

    What leads me to believe that the ai is not only getting cheap, effective missions from the intelligence agency is that, back to the game im playing, if i hadnt changed the seed(cant figure out what i did to change it this time doh) my spy would be captured and executed. Even if the missions are not cheap however france right now is fairly rich(4000+ gold), i guess i should check gold levels before and after the cultural reversions. We know that the ai's galleys can cross deep water, even without the prepatch lighthouse(bad idea to change it imo since ai's galleys dont suffer from sinking, plus the wonder is supposed to be valuable, now it doesnt give you anything that you couldnt get with an advance)
    , though i do not know(mainly due to my laziness) whether or not it was intentional.

  • #2
    Ok heres the crash after the save

    this is a regent game where i started next to eygpt, had a real nice Horseman vs war chariot game, but ever since i cut off the horsies, ive been steadly winning(thanks to super retreat!), anyway in this game as the game cycles to alexandria, if you try to build anything(ive only checked it with 3 things, all things i have built in other cities) the game crashes.

    in connection with my earlier post, in the early game cities rarely seem to culturally revert, so is this a case of the ai isnt running missions yet on you if they can do so, and or its not rich enough yet?
    Attached Files

