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CivIII was designed to look good at first sight

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  • #46
    Wake me up when you have something of importance to say.
    If you could cock an ear for just a moment, I think this is pretty important: holding a view that is different from yours does not constitute any lack of intelligence on the part of the person holding the opposing view.

    I don't believe that you're stupid just because you like Civ3. My first presumption is that we have different tastes in games. I believe that Civ3 appeals to a particular fan-base. More checkers than chess, if you know what I mean.
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #47
      Originally posted by Libertarian

      If you could cock an ear for just a moment, I think this is pretty important: holding a view that is different from yours does not constitute any lack of intelligence on the part of the person holding the opposing view.

      I don't believe that you're stupid just because you like Civ3. My first presumption is that we have different tastes in games. I believe that Civ3 appeals to a particular fan-base. More checkers than chess, if you know what I mean.
      I have no problem with people having a different view to mine, in fact I welcome it. It gives me an opportunity to look at things in a different way, one that I might have overlooked on my own. What I do object to is people who feel the need to resort to insults and petty sniping in order to defend their position. That is not debate, that is not discussion. It is only an attempt to demean their opponents in order to make themselves look good in the eyes of others. Ad hominum arguments serve no purpose on a forum, they merely entrench the opposing views and leave no possiblity of compromise.


      • #48
        Maybe a good idea would be if whiners and fanboys (i.e., those who dislike and like the game) could stick to their own threads. That will cut down on the hard feelings. For instance, I'll stop posting in threads like this one if whiners will stay away from newbie questions, strategy threads, and generally favorable review threads. What do you think.
        Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


        • #49
          As far as I am concerned, you can post as much as you want in this thread. If nothing else, you will keep it on top.

          Seriously: As CivIII Cheerleaders go, you are one of the least annoying; so be my guest.
          Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

          Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Ironikinit
            Maybe a good idea would be if whiners and fanboys (i.e., those who dislike and like the game) could stick to their own threads. That will cut down on the hard feelings. For instance, I'll stop posting in threads like this one if whiners will stay away from newbie questions, strategy threads, and generally favorable review threads. What do you think.
            First of all the term "whiners" comes from a childish name-calling category of people who can't stand criticism. And second, why should anyone leave? If you don't like it, don't read it!

            - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


            • #51

              You are correct in identifying that the term "whiner" is a rather childish name-calling response that usually comes from a select group of people.

              I submit that the term "fanboy," however, is no different. This is also a childish name-calling response that usually comes from a select group of people. It is but the flip side of the same coin.

              I think discussion would be more fruitful for all involved if participants could eschew the gratuitous name-calling. Otherwise, the "debate" hearkens back to the intellectual level of playground disputes.

              Can't we all just get along?

              Last edited by BanastreTa; January 15, 2002, 16:20.


              • #52
                Originally posted by BanastreTa
                I submit that the term "fanboy," however, is no different. This is also a childish name-calling response that usually comes from It is but the flip side of the same coin.

                Fanboy: "Fan" to cheer or admire something, "Boy" pertaining to the individual's sex.

                Whiner: "Whine" to cry, sob or complain in a childlike manner. "Whiner" to cry or sob constantly for personal gain.

                There is a BIG difference.

                But I do agree, name-calling of any sort ruins any progressive constructive discussion, so put me down for the vote against name calling and childish behavour.

                - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by CharlesUFarley


                  Fanboy: "Fan" to cheer or admire something, "Boy" pertaining to the individual's sex.

                  Whiner: "Whine" to cry, sob or complain in a childlike manner. "Whiner" to cry or sob constantly for personal gain.

                  There is a BIG difference.

                  But I do agree, name-calling of any sort ruins any progressive constructive discussion, so put me down for the vote against name calling and childish behavour.

                  Well nice to see we can actually agree on something. And thanks for slamming me BTW, you made me realize that I was starting to sound just like the critics. Heaven forbid!


                  • #54
                    Simple solution to all of this. Put Civ3 away and pull out a copy of Colonization. You'll enjoy it. Why they never made a sequal to this Civ cousin (also created by Sid) I just can't comprehend. I still have it on my hard drive and still play it frequently. Its tiny compared to the games of today but better styled than civ 1 and just as addictive as civ2.


                    • #55

                      Correct me if I'm wrong, but Colonization! was mostly Brian Reynolds' baby.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Pilfur
                        Simple solution to all of this. Put Civ3 away and pull out a copy of Colonization. You'll enjoy it. Why they never made a sequal to this Civ cousin (also created by Sid) I just can't comprehend. I still have it on my hard drive and still play it frequently. Its tiny compared to the games of today but better styled than civ 1 and just as addictive as civ2.
                        Agree! I rate it above civ too, and also STILL has it on my HD. But now since the phenomena of Europa Universalis I & II mostly collects d...

