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Speculation Specialists

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  • Speculation Specialists


    Why do we only have the same old specialists doing the same old thing in a third generation game??

    Lets have: Philosopher, appears with philosophy and gives a culture value of 2.
    Merchant, appears with currency and gives two gold, unavailable to communists (they hanged them with that rope he sold them)
    Tax collector, gives one gold and one unhappy face. (How did they miss this opportunity to have a Mr Yuch face)
    Entertainer or Artist, gives one happy face and one culture.
    Mystic, (early scientist), gives one science and one culture.
    Alchemist (middle scientist), gives 2 science.
    Scientist, gives two science and one culture.
    Banker, gives three gold (not with communist gov)
    Laborer, gives one shield and one food
    Tinkerer, gives one shield and one gold
    Farmer, gives two food
    Industrialist gives three shields
    Jurist, reduces corruption
    Diva, two happy faces and two culture
    Academadition, one science, two culture
    Monk, gives one religion and one culture
    Priest, gives one religion and one happy face
    Rabbi, gives two religion and one culture
    Evangelist, gives two religion and one happy face, cancels one science
    Budda, gives one religion and two contented faces
    Iyatola, gives two religion
    Voodoo Priest, give one religion, one culture and one contented face

    These are just rough ideas and need some discussion. As a limiting factor, if needed, each advanced specialist beyond your first level (in each city) can consume a luxury item, starting with the one you have the most of. ie having one adv spec in all your cities cost you nothing. The next adv specialist in any city costs luxury item, but it costs no more to put another adv spec in another city.

    Religion: When you get religion (pun intended), you should be able to choose WHICH religion. If you pick Buddism for example, you produce little budda icons and try to convert other citizens to Buddism (you get a missionary position in your esponage window). If you convert enough of the world to your religion, you get a religious victory. Each religion could confer some ability or problem. The Theocracy government should be available. Under a Theocracy your religion should flurish, under Communism all religions should suffer.

  • #2
    Linguist: adds culture, boosts research, increases commerce, makes negotiation more effective.


    • #3
      SMAC did this to some degree...and I do like the idea. Particularly advanced technologies opening up new/better specialists.

      The religion thing is cool too. It'd be neat if you could see different icons of people based loosely on religion and also perhaps city improvements. Muslims could build masques (sp) and Jews sinagogs (sp), etc. Also religion could play somewhat of a role in game play. For example other civs that shared your religion may be more friendly to you. Likewise, perhaps conquering civs that are the same religion as you might result in a little bit less resistence. There could even be a dynamic where you can attempt to convert citizens in other cities to your religion via missionary units or something.

      Finally different religions could add certain attributes to your civ. Like buddhists could have a bit better culture...while christians might be expansionistic (i.e. perhaps better at converting).

      The only thing is religion can be a touchy subject for people. This might make it hard to implement in civ. It'd probably be better implemented in a game that wasn't supposed to follow Earth's history like SMAC.

