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Stop the Insanity

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  • #16
    You already answered why it's personal:
    my first reaction was that the board is just filled with a bunch of arrogant whiners who care more about the forums than they do the game (I stole that line from Jeff. What a great quote).
    When you go on public record as both Dan and Jeff has as saying that forums are just full of a bunch of whiners, you set a horrible tone from the very outset. Let me ask you this: Why are some forums (look at Europa Universalis and Space Empires 4) just packed with positive posts? Is it because the games are perfect? Not by a longshot. But in both cases, the developers have sent a clear, loud and consistent message that its fans are to be listened to and made happy. And when issues come up that seem to conflict with that message, efforts are made to explain things clearly. In fact, both EU and SE4 recently had new releases with EU2 and SE4 Gold, neither of which really brough something totally new to the table ... but reps from the company were all over the place trying to explain the reasons behind charging full price. This, mind you, after hundreds of posts and even personal e-mails to give people answers to and get support behind the game. At which point, it becomes VERY hard for bad press to take over a forum because the fans police it themselves.

    And need I talk about Quick Silver?

    The fact of the matter is that Dan and Jeff bring their own personal disdain for the whining here that THEY THEMSELVES have helped create with the very quote you find so cute. Of course, Dan and Jeff are just part of a much bigger ignorance that goes to the very top of the chain.

    I'd be surprised if Sid even uses the Internet much. Honestly. He has seemingly ZERO awareness of how important the Internet is now to both the game itself and its power to build up or destroy your creation though digital word of mouth.

    Simply put: Firaxis thinks it can coast on Sid's name alone ... and forums like this should be happy for any scrap (misleading or malicious though it may be) we get.

    Sorry guys, wake up. Sid's name and this 'we are lost in a sea of whiners who will never be happy' pathetic excuse for incompetence are, my friends, the signs of your own longoverdue demise as a respectable company. Good riddance.

    Grass is always greener? I suppose when you compared it to the garbage heap called Firaxis PR.
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


    • #17
      Well said Yin.
      Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


      • #18
        Grass always greener?

        Well, OK, let´s compare some relatively recent strategy games:

        Europa Universalis: Somewhat buggy, AI not always up to it, but highly innovative, extremely complex, good looking, and quite obviously a labour of love. As far as I know, the designers also don´t offend the people on the forums.

        Reach for the stars: Very conservative/simplistic, interface not perfect, but very polished, good AI, well balanced, all fits logically together, near bug-free, obviously very well tested, ...

        CivIII: Simplistic, buggy, clownish, unbalanced, untested, clownish, extremely tedious endgame, did I mention clownish?, and, on top of all that, the worst PR team in the history of the internet ...

        Does this lead us to some answers about the 'Grass always greener?' question?
        Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

        Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


        • #19
          The grass may not always be greener in the next yard but sometimes there is less manure lying about over there.


          • #20
            Yin 'Self fullfilling prophesy' 26

            Originally posted by yin26
            .... Of course, Dan and Jeff are just part of a much bigger ignorance that goes to the very top of the chain.

            I'd be surprised if Sid even uses the Internet much....

            Simply put: Firaxis thinks it can coast on Sid's name alone ... and forums like this should be happy for any scrap (misleading or malicious though it may be) we get.

            Sorry guys, wake up. Sid's name and this 'we are lost in a sea of whiners who will never be happy' pathetic excuse for incompetence are, my friends, the signs of your own longoverdue demise as a respectable company. Good riddance.
            Yin26, you have created a Self fulfilling prophesy....

            You claim that the reason for all the personal flaming of FIRAXIS employee's is due to the a) faults with Civ III b) fanboys c) Firaxis not communicating enough d) Firaxis communicating too much e) Firaxis's poor PR f) Firaxis's poor Internet skills g)third world debt h) Bill Clinton I) Global warming J) Bread landing butter side down K)ants, Cows and ***** cats l)the Ebola Virus m) the year 2000 bug n) Korean Foreign policy o) Christmas p) the European Community q) dwarves r) Merlin and all his little wizards s) Sauron the dark lord t) the one ring u) MS Word 6.2 v) the Luna Cycle w) the voices in my head x) tom y) **** z) and Harry....

            Never once have you sited yourself as a cause for a alot of this.

            By far the majority of the 'very negative' threads are started by a very small number of individuals and the said same individuals fuel further antagonism within the Forums.

            There is nothing wrong with criticism, here I am criticising the way you express your opinions. I don't believe you comments are either justified or accurate.

            In your previous post you make alot of subjective comments and pass them off as facts -

            Here are my equally uninformed opinions about Yin26:
            You never bought the game, yet you played it for over a month. You slammed SMAC when it was released and you slam CIV III now that it has been released- so I think you have a major inferiority complex and the only way you feel important is by trying to put down others.

            ...Of course that could be total bollocks as I recognise I don't really know anything about you.
            tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

            6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


            • #21
              Id always thought Firaxis were excellent at involving apolyton .. my God, we even made it into the game as a Greek City .. Thanks Firaxis

              Hey .. were all individuals, theres no reason to be upset if some guy says he doesn't agree .. and there's no excuse to start slagging individuals off ..

              If your not happy with CIV3 ... why not say what you feel ... thats what Apolytons here for ... also, if you do like it, say what you think .. why should it upset you if somebody didn't like it .. I hate marmite .... anybody offended ??

              Chill out everybody .. let people say what they like ... but equally, let not let our love of the game, turn us into animals , and start attacking people personally ..
              "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


              • #22
                Thomas: Correction ... I have a *superiority* complex.
                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                • #23
                  This is outrageou!

                  .. I hate marmite .... anybody offended ??
                  How can you possibly justify such an assertion??? Everybody knows marmite is the food of the Gods (well, the crazy mixed-up ones who don't know where the manna is kept).

                  Anyway, it's way better than marmite II...............
                  Beware the stare of the hamster!


                  • #24
                    I find the Civ3 discussion boards a model of reasoned argument and civilized discussion compared to some I've seen (eg. Diablo II)

                    Oh, an I prefer Vegemite.


                    • #25
                      There's always Vitameatavegamin.
                      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The Viceroy
                        .. I hate marmite ....
                        Well that's it .... you have now totally destroyed any credibility you once had.

                        ....go on, p*ss off and join those vegemite weirdos'
                        tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                        6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


                        • #27
                          SHAME on you rid102..


                          • #28
                            Re: Grass always greener?

                            Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                            CivIII: Simplistic, buggy, clownish, unbalanced, untested, clownish, extremely tedious endgame, did I mention clownish?, and, on top of all that, the worst PR team in the history of the internet ...

                            Maybe you've just outgrown the TBS genre, friend. I have found Civ 3 to be exactly the opposite of what you describe.

                            It's complex....

                            No bugs that I've encountered....

                            Very well balanced (sometime I win, sometimes I lose)...

                            Exciting until the end...

                            In the final analysis, though, it's just a game. Some of you people are getting far too emotional about this. It's only a game.

