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Optional "Postpone Golden Age?" pop-up dialog?

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  • #16
    It is very important when the "Golden Age" comes. I have had it triggered at a times when most of my cities are built up with little left to build. What a waste. I mainly play the Japanese and use the Samurai with Cavalry to trigger the golden age. This way the extra production is used to provide reserve troops for my invading army.


    • #17
      I'm never opposed to giving the player more options, but I don't think I'd personally use the postpone golden age option. Seems to me that this would detract somewhat from the game.

      As mentioned before on this thread, I think the civs were designed such that some would have golden ages before others. Being able to manipulate this might affect game balance...but I dunno. Using this option just wouldn't feel just kinda seems like a cheat to me.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Moraelin
        Personally I can't see how would you realistically postpone a golden age.

        And besides, early golden ages aren't THAT bad. Later in the game I have everyone happy, I'm getting 4-5 turns for any research, and I'm making 1500 or more gold per turn. It's early when I have more problems.

        IMHO a better idea would be to have multiple golden ages. Of course, it would become less and less probable to get one, and there should be a minimum of 100 turns after one when you absolutely can't have another one yet, no matter what you do, but it should be possible. Can't see why just because I had one golden age in 2000 BC, my people absolutely can't get all worked up again, 4000 years larter.

        That said, I voted that I wouldn't use it, but if anyone else wants to, why not?
        I couldn't have said it better myself
        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

