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How do you use luxuries?

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  • How do you use luxuries?

    In a Democracy, you're obliged to set the slider for luxuries to 10% to make up for the loss of policing units, and the increased commerce easily makes up.

    However, is there a point to sliding it higher?

    I currently have it set at 20%, but that's because I was forced to conquer selected cities in Japan, and I have to keep the conquered population happy.

    I was wondering, though, if it might be worth it to push it up a bit in normal peacetime. Maybe get a permanent "I love the King" going.

    Anything worth exploring here?

    I actually have a Jap city in the next continent loving the King and with corruption below 50%...

  • #2
    I never played democracy, but. Once I had only one Luxury Resource, and almost nill for other resources (I was stuck on one big & useless continet!) - meaning, nothing of value to trade. So, before I could "secure" more luxury resources, I had to set my Luxuries rates up to 30%, or so. Other than that, I usually keep it at 0%, sometimes 10% - depends on how many luxury resources I have coming in. As long as at least couple of cities having an orgies in my honor, I'm satisifed


    • #3
      I switch to Democracy as early as I can in virtually every game I play. My experience leads to me to believe the best strategy is to not put any money into luxuries unless you absolutely have to -- i.e., you're at war and every one of your cities starts to revolt. Even in the earlier stages, it is usually a lot cheaper to make one or two entertainers in your largest cities, rather than spending money on luxuries globally. Instead, I pump as much money as I can into research. For most of the game, I am usually spending anywhere from 80& to 100% on research, selling technologies to other civs to finance my research.


      • #4
        I found that 10% is a generally healthy rate starting in early Monarchy. If you have no lux setting and a surplus of 10 to 15, set the rate to 10%. I am now in Republic with about 20 cities. I admit I also built the Hanging Gardens and Colossus, but these combined with a healthy and growing trade infastructure kept my core cities in King days for over 200 consecutive years!

        Oh I'm playing Warlord. (got too frustrated with Regent, on Civ 2 I wond regularly on King too!)
        One OS to rule them all,
        One OS to find them,
        One OS to bring them all
        and in the darkness bind them.

