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A recommendation to Firaxis

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ****gyRA
    Pointless rhetoric?


    Do get the point of anything?

    Civ3 is vastly different than Civ2. Not just "changed names."

    My point is that people need to be civil and realize that this is just a game and the developers are just people and cannot focus only on one or two whiners that post 20 times a day.
    No one's asking for their attention, this topic has already been discusses a million times all over Apolyton. Update yourself man! They need to post PUBLIC-ONE-POST messages to address the entire crowd so that they dont need to answer every little email, get it? Very easy stuff when you think about it.

    I personally don't believe that many of the most outspoken whiners ever play the game. This is the game they want to play. They just want there voices heard no matter how stupid they sound. They are so lonely and lost...............
    I'm sorry lets grow up and be realistic here, the only people that are "whining" are the people who "whine" about "whiners". Some would call them "fanboys" or "suck-ups" or my personal favorite "Firaxi-Lawyers". But lets be mature here, forums are an in-personal way of communicating. I have no idea who any of these people are, hense I don't know them personally. So therefor I dont give a ****. Unless however, you let it get to you. Which *YOU* obviously have, to come this far and start telling people off because they don't like the game. Do you honestly feel like your achieving anything? Do you honestly think people are going to wake up and say "Oh wait this guy is right, I'm a whiner, maybe I should just go play Civ3 now." Yeah right, only in your dreams pal. In the real-world people do what they want. It doesn't matter how many names you call them or what you say to them. The fact is they paid for this game, and if they don't like the damn game, they have a right to say so. In other words, quit fighting a mute situation and move on. If you find someone offensive, then that mean's your letting it get to you, as people like you are getting to me now. Don't lower yourself to their level, unless your perpose is to "argue".

    Why resort to name calling? (Of course, I would rather be a "fan boy" than a "whining sniveling brat")
    Sorry but thats *ONLY* your opinion. If I called you a whiner of whiners, would that be a fact, or my opinion? Think about what you sound like in here. Get over it, either add some helpful information to this forum or be ignored. Simple.

    - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


    • #32
      Originally posted by ****gyRA
      Moraelin - I never said you didn't play the game. In fact none of what I have been saying is directed at you. If you took any personal offense I apologize.

      My point is that we spend so much time on this board complaining and then saying "Firaxis why don't you answer us?" or "Why do you spit in our faces?" that we waste alot of valuable time and energy. Tlking about the bugs or what we would like to see done better is fine, but the nastiness is the real "pointless rhetoric" and it seems to be coming from the same people over and over and over. I justed pick on the stacked movement concept because it comes up so often. I could have chosen combat or any other of complaints that come up over and over.

      All I want is sensible discussion not this pointless bashing of a game we all claim to play. Someone will claim to be a master at deity and then say the game is unplayable. I find that confusing.

      I'm sorry if posting opinions like this make you feel the need to call people "fanboys", but it is true, I like the game and think it is well done. There are many problems and a few bugs. These should be fixed. But why do we have to be abusive to the people who brought this to us. There are bigger issues in the world to get worked up over.
      It's called "venting".

      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.

