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Modifying armies...?

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  • Modifying armies...?

    Ok, problem in the nutcase:

    Can you remove (change) units from an army? (I suppose not)


    Can you upgrade units inside an army? (Suppoise you can, but HOW?!)

    I see there are other topics also about upgrading but the last info I saw didn't really answer me how you really do that. So I'd really appreciate if I could change my 3*bowman armies to something better.

  • #2
    Moi...upgrade path

    To upgrade units they have to be in a City with a barracks.
    So you move all of your bow men to one city with a barracks and then you hit shtft/U while one is active and they are all upgraded..providing you have the cash to pay for it.
    You can upgrade them one at a time using the lightning flash icon on each active unit.
    Crazy Bear = HulluKarhu from Finland
    Hullu= Crazy, Karhu= Bear
    puuttumattomuuspolitikka= not a Good idea to interfere with.


    • #3
      As far as I know, there's no way to upgrade units within an army.

      Even after ticking the "unload" box in the unit editor, I still wasn't able to unload units from the army either.

      This isn't so bad, since even armies comprised of obsolete combat units can still be quite useful, given Civ3's new combat system.


      • #4
        Units in armies can never ever be upgraded.
        They also can't be swapped in and out of armies.

        Once you build the pentagon however, you can add a new forth unit to any existing armies. So you can put a tank in that army of bowmen
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #5
          Okay, thanks for the info. It's as I feared then...

          Well at least disbanding army gives lots of shields

